Chapter 17

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"Hi, how can I help you?" Angel asked as two ladies walked up to the pastry counter.

"I hope you are proud of yourself," the lady with long blonde hair sneered at her.

"Excuse me?" Angel asked confused.

"It wasn't enough that you left him humiliated but you had to go and destroy him too?" the lady said loud enough for the other customers to stop talking and start watching.

Angel took a deep breath and cleared her throat, "Please lower your voice Ma'am," she said politely. "And you don't know what happened so please keep your opinions to yourself."

"Wow!" The brunette scoffed. "Rude much?"

"I wasn't being rude, Ma'am," Angel shook her head. "Now is there something you would like to purchase, there are other customers waiting."

"Yeah, how about you quit lying and tell the truth. You were only after Mr. Jones for his money, you gold digger," the blonde sneered.

"Actually I wasn't," Angel shook her head. "I have my own money, thank you very much. I even signed a prenup not that it is any of your business. Now please order something or leave."

"No," The blonde slapped her hand down. "Everyone needs to know that there is a gold digging slut at this establishment. You were only after Mr. Jones' money and when you learned you weren't going to get anything you decided to humiliate him by leaving him at the alter in front of everyone! You left him to be with 20 guys, you probably gave him STDs you whore!"

"That's ENOUGH!" Angel shouted startling everyone. "Now I will only say this once so listen clearly you dumb bitch. I had NOTHING to do with his company being bought out and destroyed. I found out in the news like everyone else. I was NEVER after Bartholomew's money, I have my own and I signed a prenup so I never would receive any of his money if we ever split. I actually made MORE than him a few times. I had to help him out with his business to make it successful. And another thing about your precious Mr. Jones, he is a controlling abusive little man. He took away my identity and held it against me so he could control every little thing I did. I couldn't drive because he had my license, I couldn't get anything because he refused to give me back my social security card or birth certificate. He decided what I ate, when I ate, and who I talked to. I had no phone, no computer other than my work one, which he monitored, and no friends. He had four body guards tailing me anytime I went anywhere just to see what I was doing and who I talked to. I was with him because I thought that is what I deserved. I left him because I had a reality check and realized I deserved better. I deserved to be with someone who treated me like a goddamn goddess! I deserve to be with someone who loves me for myself not someone who wanted to change me into what they wanted me to be. Oh and one more thing you dumb bimbo. I NEVER cheated on him, I was loyal to him even after he brought MULTIPLE girls to our house and fucked them right in front of me to "teach" me how to please him! If I tried to protest or not watch he would BEAT me and tie me to a goddamn chair and FORCE me to watch. I got fucking lucky that he never gave me anything. Yes I left him at the altar but it was better for me to leave him before I married him and just so you know, polyamory is legal so just because a woman is with multiple men doesn't make her a slut! It shows that love is a beautiful thing and for some people more is better. Who knows you might like it if you ever fucking try it. Just because I love having multiple men give me love and show me love doesn't make it a slut! Who are you to judge someone else? You aren't God. Mind your own fucking business and stay the hell out of mine!"

"Well I never!" The brunette gasped.

"The both of you need to leave my establishment right now and never come back," Marc glared as he stormed over to them.

"You can't!" The blonde shrieked. "We are paying customers!"

"And I have the right to refuse service," Marc glared, "and besides you didn't buy anything so you aren't paying customers. Now get off my property before I have you escorted out!"

They bolted out the door and the customers started clapping. "I'm so sorry Marc," Angel whispered and he pulled her into a hug.

"Don't," Marc shook his head. "You did nothing wrong and I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself. I know the guys will be too once they see the video I sent them."

"You didn't," She gasped as she tried to calm her raging emotions.

"You know damn well I did," he chuckled. "Now do you need another moment?"

"No," She shook her head and squeezed him tighter. "I'm okay now." She cleared her throat and took a step back, "I'm going to go see if anyone needs a refill on their coffee."

Marc nodded, "Okay Beautiful but if you need to leave or take a moment just let me know."

She smiled gratefully at him, "Okay, I will, I promise."

He smirked, "Good girl."

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