Chapter 5

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Angel took a deep breath and tried to blink tears away as she left the room and began walking down the hall. "Sorry," she mumbled when she accidentally bumped into a waiter since she was looking at the ground and not around her.

She glanced up and forced back a sniffle when she saw the waiter had dark almost black hair as he walked away. He had a lean muscular body, and it was braided down his back.

"Ma'am," the maid snapped her out of her memories, and she continued walking down the hall. A tear slipped down her cheek and the maid quickly wiped it away. "Don't worry Ma'am, you will be with Mr. Jones quickly."

"Thank you," Angel whispered as she tightened her grip on the bouquet of roses. She tried telling herself that her stomach curling was just nerves, and this was typical cold feet but then why did she keep seeing things that reminded her of her past? This was how her life was now. She inhaled slowly and started getting a headache from the overwhelming scent of roses. Exhaling slowly to try and calm her nerves she took another deep breath and forced herself to keep walking down the hallway.

Just as she reached the door that led outside the maid stood in front of her and covered her face in the veil. "" Angel whispered as she felt the air being cut off. "I can't breathe."

"Every bride wears a veil, it's tradition," the maid shook her head. "It's only a few steps then Mr. Jones will lift it. You will be fine, now it's time."

Angel gulped and blinked back tears as her hands began to tremble. Each step was heavy, and she could feel her heart beating all over her body and under her skin. She could feel the beats in her arms, legs, even neck, so she swore everyone else could hear it racing as well.

The music started and she forced back a wince when she heard the recording, she always hoped to have someone play it on the piano not just a recording but if this was what Bartholomew wanted then she wouldn't be selfish and accept it. After all it wasn't just her wedding, it was his as well.

She looked up as she walked down the red path that was laid down and a tear slipped down as she saw all these guests that were tied to Bartholomew and the only person there for her was Jessica, who looked like she was about to cry right along with her. Movement out of her peripheral vision made her internally gasped when she spotted a male form with red hair sitting down but he was now behind her so she couldn't turn to see who it was. But if Jessica was the only one there for her then he had to be someone tied to her soon to be husband.

Another movement had her noticing someone with blonde hair walking past her and the numerous cameras clicking away made her breath hitch and her stomach curl even more as they echoed in her head as if they were screaming in her ears. How could cameras be so loud? Didn't they know that was disrespectful or was it just her nerves making it seem like they were loud? Was she doing the right thing by committing herself to Bartholomew or was she making a mistake?

She felt so many eyes on her and another tear slipped down her face. "You look absolutely perfect, Angelica," Bartholomew smiled as he took the roses from her hands and handed them to Jessica then moved her hand through his arm and pulled her up the two steps to where the priest was waiting. Angel guessed having a binding ceremony was out of the picture. Did it count then if she wasn't religious? Was this a real marriage if a priest recites the words and she's not religious? If this wasn't a real marriage, then would she have to remarry Bartholomew? Was this all for naught then?

"Angelica?" Bartholomew asked a tad coldly as he squeezed her fingers a little too tightly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at him. Disappointment flashed in his eyes then just as she blinked, he had a smile on his face. She smiled up at him and for a split second she wondered if he could tell that she was forcing it but from the look on his face she didn't think so. She just had to get through these next few moments, and everything would work out like he planned. She looked into his light brown eyes and sighed, he promised to always take care of her and take away her stress so she just had to listen to him, and everything would be fine. She would be happy and eventually that would turn to love, right?

"Repeat after me," the priest said snapping her out of her thoughts again.

She took a deep breath and nodded. Looking around she gasped as she saw at the back of the venue leaning against the wall were the reason of her heartache and happiness all tied together. A true smile broke out on her face as all fourteen men took a step forward. She looked at Bartholomew who looked at her with confusion then back at the Blackbourne Toma group.

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