Chapter 19

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"Little Bird," Uncle beamed as Angel walked into the diner. He picked her up and hugged her tightly. "Come on, I have the perfect thing for you to try."

"Yay," she smiled, "I love being your taste tester."

"Sit," he said as he led her over to the booth. She sat and some of the men sat around her while the rest went to help Uncle bring all the orders. "So, now that you are home, what are you going to do, Little Bird?" Uncle asked as he tossed the hand towel over his shoulder and leaned against the counter.

"I don't know," she shrugged as she popped a fry into her mouth.

"We are actually going to talk to you about that," Kota nodded after he sat his cup down.

"What?" Uncle asked curiously.

"Yeah, what?" she asked confused.

"Ten wants to start her own business," Kota said setting his napkin down. "We need a business location for her to open her own shop. Gabe is going to help her get inventory and I'll help with financial keeping of course, but we need a location."

"What kind of shop do you want?" Uncle asked.

"A pet shop," Angel admitted. "Not selling pets but pet supplies. But I also want part of it to be a pet rescue adoption area, where vets can drop off animals that are dropped off and never picked up or taken from animal control, even strays brought in. Something like that, would be amazing to have."

Uncle burst out laughing, "I have the perfect location. I got an area of land last month and I've been trying to figure out what I was going to do with it. It's perfect for you. A little out of the way of the city but still close by. Just needs some fencing and minor work but it'll be perfect for you."

"Really?" she asked excitedly.

"You can go look after everyone is done eating," Uncle nodded then pointed his finger at her, "that doesn't mean rush through or say you are done. You need some meat on those bones and if I even begin to think you are rushing to go look I won't hand over the keys."

She pouted and looked at North, "Now I know where YOU get it from."

Everyone burst out laughing while North rolled his eyes. "Oh it's good to have you back, Little Bird," Uncle said once he was able to catch his breath.

She huffed in annoyance but took another bite out of her sandwich. "I think you should put this on the menu," she said once she swallowed her food.

"Then I will," Uncle smiled. "Glad you like it."

She beamed and took another bite of her sandwich. Once everyone was done eating Uncle remained sitting while the guys picked up the dishes then started cleaning.

"Come on Little Bird, you can ride with me, they will follow," Uncle said grabbing his car keys laughing at the looks on some of the men's faces as Uncle grabbed her hand to lead her outside.

"You love messing with them, don't you?" She asked as she looked out the window while Uncle drove.

"Of course," Uncle chuckled. "It's nice to see them finally happy again."

"What do you mean?" she asked turning to look at him.

"Ever since you left they have been miserable fools," Uncle admitted. "Granted it was their own damn faults for being idiots but still, it was hell being around them all these years."

"Why did they do it?" she asked sadly. "I never understood why? Why push me away? I thought they knew me better than that."

"Like I said, they were idiots," Uncle shook his head. "By the time they realized their mistake, they were ashamed of themselves and thought that they completely lost you by then. They thought you would never forgive them. But now that they are back," Uncle smiled, "It's like life has been brought back into the family. Happiness is once again in their eyes. It's in your eyes too, Little Bird," he patted her knee. "It's good to have you back where you belong, Angel."

Uncle pulled up to a small house looking building and parked his car. Rushing around, he opened the passenger door and held his hand out. She smiled and got out of the car then watched as the Blackbourne Toma cars and trucks pulled up behind Uncle's car. They got out and relief crossed their eyes once each of them spotted her standing next to Uncle.

She smiled softly, "it's good to be back."

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