Chapter 22

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Angel woke up and looked around in confusion when she realized that she was alone. Sitting up she spotted a note on the nightstand being held down with a necklace that held a key. She reached over to grab it and smiled when she saw the rainbow chain bracelet secured with a heart shaped lock around her wrist and a galaxy stone ring on her left finger. Slipping the necklace with the key around her neck she picked up the note. (Pictures found on Google)

 (Pictures found on Google)

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You look so beautiful sleeping that you are making it very hard to leave for work. Alas, we must since we know you would want us to. Both of us will be home to have lunch with you. North is currently making your favorite smoothie and will leave it in the fridge for you. Mr. Weiland and Mr. Toma, I apologize Marc and Axel, will be working from home today. Have a good morning and we will see you this afternoon. Do not forget to let us know when you wake.

Love Your Husbands,

Owen and North

Angel smiled and removed her phone from the charger.

Good morning

Good Morning Darling

Good Morning Angel Baby

Thank you for the note and my jewelry.

You are very welcome, Darling. Your collar is in the drawer if you would like to wear it.

My collar?

We know you can sometimes be uncomfortable having things on your neck, Baby, that is why we didn't put it on you last night. It is okay if you do not want to wear it. We won't be mad at you if you don't want to. You still have our ring and bracelet.

I will think about it, thank you.

Have you had your breakfast and smoothie yet, Baby?

No, I am still in bed.

Thank you for being honest, Darling. If you are sore Mr. Toma, I mean Axel will draw you a bath.

I'm okay, just too comfy to leave the bed yet 😊.

Enjoy your morning, I must leave for a board meeting. I'll see you in a few hours for lunch.

A customer just pulled up, don't forget to eat your breakfast Angel Baby. Love you.

Love all of you

Angel tossed the phone onto the bed and sighed softly as she absentmindedly started playing with the key on the chain. The door opened and she looked up to see Axel walking in. "Morning Doll," he smiled softly as he strolled over to her.

"Morning Wolfy," she blushed as he bent down and ran the tip of his finger over the claim mark North left on her neck.

"North and his marks," Axel chuckled as he moved some of his hair away from his neck to show her the mark on him, "he loves to show that we are his. But I love it."

"Me too," she whispered as she spun the bracelet softly. "Missed it so much."

"Well, you have us back now," he smiled. "No need to dwell on the past when we can enjoy the present. Now, ready for some breakfast?"

"Yes, please," she nodded since she knew better than to try and skip a meal then North find out about it.

Axel threw the comforter back and groaned, "Hold on Doll, I better get some pants or shorts on you," his voice dropped when he saw she was only in Owen's shirt. "You are such a little tease," he smirked as he slid the shorts up her legs then scooped her up into his arms, making her wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Her breath softly caressed his neck, and he tightened his fingers into her ass as he carried her down the stairs.

"Morning Beautiful," Marc smiled as Axel sat down at the table then turned her, so her back was to his chest. She tried to get up but he tapped her leg and shook his head, so she sank back into his hold. "Here you go," Marc said placing her plate and smoothie in front of her then placed Axel's cup of coffee by him followed by his plate.

"What's the plan for today?" she asked after she took a bite.

"If you were feeling up to it, I thought I would show you the new changes we have made to the aquarium then go get some stuff for your shop," Axel said. "We have plenty of time before we have to be back here so you can have lunch with Owen and North before they have to go back to work."

"Are they coming home because they want to, or they just worried about me dropping?" she asked pushing the plate away since she no longer had an appetite.

"Both," Marc admitted. "We discussed it last night and we realized we haven't really been a true family since you left. We don't want to miss any time with you and so we are going to start having family meals again and we know that when you drop, you tend to need the people you were with more than all of us. They want to come home and be with you in case you need them but also, they want to have lunch with you because they need to be with you right now too."

"Okay," she murmured as Axel ran his fingers up and down her side.

"Why don't you go get ready, Doll?" Axel suggested, "Marc can put your smoothie in a tumbler so you can drink it in the car."

"Okay," She nodded before heading out of the room.

Axel carried the plates over to the sink and Marc took them from him. He loaded the dishwasher then asked, "You know she is going to be everywhere when she sees all the things you have added to the aquarium, right?"

Axel chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest while leaning against the counter, "Oh I know. I figure we are going to have to tour the place at least three times for her to take everything in, but it's going to be so much fun chasing her around." His smile turned predatory as he thought about it, "and when we need to, we have ways of keeping her at our sides."

Marc chuckled and nodded, "Damn it's good to have our girl back."

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