Chapter 4

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The satin felt like sandpaper against her skin as the lady slid it up over her shoulders the began fastening the buttons. "You look like a Disney princess Ma'am," she said as Angel looked at herself in the mirror.

"It looks like a mixture between Sleeping Beauty, Belle, and Cinderella," Angel whispered as she held her hands to her stomach.

"Mr. Jones said he wanted you to feel like the princesses you like so much," she said as she continued to fasten the buttons down Angel's spine.

"Shouldn't I be wearing white and not soft pink?" Angel asked as a pearl necklace was fastened around her neck. "Where's my heart necklace my grandmother gave me?"

"Mr. Jones said it doesn't go with the dress and since you are the belle of the ball you don't need to follow the wedding rules of normal girls," the maid said as she attached the matching veil to her hair. "You look simply breathtaking, Ma'am."

"Yeah," Angel whispered as she tried to take in the image of herself in the puffy ballroom gown. "I definitely stand out."

"Mr. Jones is going to be so pleased," The maid smiled as opened the box on the table. "Here are your shoes, Ma'am."

"I can't walk in heels," she shook her head. "I'll twist my ankle."

"Every princess wears heels, Ma'am," she said holding out the soft pink shoes. "It's just a few steps."

"Okay," she said nodding while taking a deep breath. She clutched her stomach and slowly let the breath out while shaking. "I'm going to sick," she whispered.

"That's just your nerves," the maid said shaking her head. "Once you see Mr. Jones and how happy he is, it will disappear. It happens with every bride."

"Okay," She whispered as she closed her eyes. Images of the Blackbourne Toma men popped into her mind and a small tear leaked down her face.

"No tears, you will ruin your makeup," the maid scolded as the door opened.

"Sorry," Angel whispered as she looked at herself in the mirror. Movement behind her caught her eye and she lost her breath seeing the tall blonde haired brown eyed man standing in the doorway staring at her. She blinked and he was gone. She turned to see the doorway empty.

Turning back to the mirror she took another deep breath and clenched her fingers then released them as she tried to get herself under control. "Hey there wow! Look at you!"

Angel turned to see Jessica standing in the doorway. "Jess," Angel smiled. "You came."

"I told you I would," Jessica smiled softly as she walked over to her. "You look..."

"I know," Angel whispered. "It's Bartholomew's dream that I look like a princess."

"But it's your wedding also," Jessica frowned. "Where's your grandmother's necklace?"

"Barry thought this would look better," Angel explained.

"Angel," Jessica frowned.

"Miss Lee, wedding guests are not permitted back here," the maid said frowning as she came back into the room. "The Madam needs to finish getting ready."

"Thank you for coming, Jess," Angel smiled squeezing her hands. "It means the world to me."

Jessica pulled her into a hug, "You can always say no, I'm here for you no matter what," Jessica whispered as she hugged her tighter.

"Miss Lee," The maid scolded.

"Alright, I'll see you out there," Jessica said as she took a few steps back then left the room. Once she was in the hall, she pulled her phone out, opened the group message, send an emoji, then shut her phone, slipping it back into her pocket.

"Can I just have a few moments, please?" Angel asked as she touched the veil framing her face.

"Just a few moments," The maid nodded as everyone left the room. "But only a few moments, we have to stay on schedule."

Angel nodded as hurried to the bathroom. She threw up and whimpered as she clutched the toilet. Once she was certain she would be okay, she spit once more then flushed. She felt some tears slip down and hit her arm. She cleared her throat and forced her body to stand. Clutching the sink she turned on the water and picked up the toothbrush. Something flashed quickly as if the sunlight caught something silver and she turned to see the bathroom window just barely opened. She thought for sure it was shut so she dropped the toothbrush and walked over to it. Gasping, there in the windowsill was a purple dahlia, a peppermint, and her grandmother's silver pinky ring that had a heart engraved on it. She searched everywhere for this ring this morning and couldn't find it, she thought for sure it was lost. How did it end up on the windowsill? Smiling, she slid the ring on the picked up the dahlia and smelled it.

Memories of the first time she ever saw one came rushing to the front of her mind. Jessica had just brought her to her brothers' mansion and they were walking through the garden. All of a sudden a blonde haired boy fell in front of them laughing. He held out two purple flowers and chuckled, "pretty flowers for pretty girls." Angel decided right then that it was her favorite flower.

"Ma'am, we really must get going," the maid's voice sighed through the door. Angel looked at the window then her dress and popped the peppermint into her mouth.


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