Chapter 25

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Angel woke up and carefully climbed off the bed, so she didn't wake Axel or Marc. She quickly slipped on a shirt and some shorts before she headed for the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Hey Ten, have a good nap?" Kota asked as he shut the fridge and sat his water bottle down on the counter so he could hug her.

"Yep," she smiled as she inhaled his bookly scent. "When did you get home?"

"About thirty minutes ago," he smiled. "Do you want a snack?"

"Please," she beamed as she rested her chin on his chest.

He chuckled, "Alright, go sit and I'll make you something."

"Thank you," she said before heading over to the island.

She watched with a soft smile as Kota started making her a sandwich. He put some apple slices on the plate then handed it to her. "Here you go, Ten, enjoy."

"Thank you, 52," she smiled after she swallowed her water.

"Only you would fucking see a damn heart in between two numbers, Trouble," Gabe chuckled as he came into the kitchen. "Hi Trouble."

She smiled back at him while she continued eating. "Leave her alone, Gabe," Kota smirked. "I like that she sees a heart in numbers just for me."

"Course you fucking do," Gabe chuckled as he sat beside Angel. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"I don't know," she shook her head. "Oh, can we go to the shop for a bit?"

"Sure," Kota nodded, "once you're done eating, we can head over."

"Yay," she beamed right before she took a bite from her apple slice.

"But don't rush and we won't stay very long," Kota said as he opened his water bottle. "I'll make sure we leave a note for Axel and Marc for when they wake up."

"Oh did you have some fun earlier?" Gabe smirked.

"Yep," she popped the 'p' and took a drink.

"She was being a brat," Marc yawned as he came into the kitchen while pulling his shirt down.

"What?" Gabe chuckled. "Trouble was being a brat? That's not possible, she's a fucking angel."

"Ha ha ha," Angel said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"What did you do now, Ten?" Kota chuckled.

"She stole my coffee," Marc said as he started preparing the coffee machine.

"We were sharing," she pouted. "You said what's yours is mine did you not?"

"Be nice, Doll," Axel chuckled as he entered the kitchen while braiding his hair. "Or do you need another punishment?"

"Not right now," she shook her head. "I'm being good."

"So, what were you talking about?" Marc asked as he started preparing his tumbler.

"Once Ten is done with her snack we are going to take her to the shop for a bit," Kota answered as he leaned against the counter.

"Sounds fun," Marc yawned again. "You have fun, I need to check in with North and Luke and see what we are doing for dinner in case I need to run by the store for supplies."

"Oh, can we have enchiladas please?" Angel asked excitedly.

"Sure," Marc nodded. "I'll handle it."

"Yay!" she hopped down and rushed over to hug him, "thank you."

"You're welcome, you cute little brat," he chuckled as he took the tumbler from her hand as soon as he noticed she started to try and sneak it. "Behave and I'll make you your own."

"Okay," she pouted before heading back to her chair to finish eating.

Marc's phone started ringing so he grabbed it off the counter and started heading for the living room to answer it.

She finished eating so Gabe took the plate and rinsed it off before putting it in the dishwasher. "Go get fucking ready, Trouble."

"Yes Sir," she smiled as she hopped down and rushed out of the room.

"NO RUNNING!" Everyone shouted in unison making her burst out laughing.

"Oh Gabe!" She gasped as he opened the door to her shop and stepped aside so she could walk in. "It's perfect," she whispered as she took in the soft blue painted walls and the shelves that were already mounted for her supplies once she ordered some. "You guys are..." she trailed off since she couldn't find the words to describe how special she felt.

"You're welcome," Kota smiled knowing what she was trying to say.

"Oy, here," Gabe said as he came out of the back with a box. "Fucking have at it, Trouble."

She looked at him confused then walked over to him. Taking the pocketknife he held out, she opened the box and tears filled her eyes. Inside were some of the products from wish list of items for the shop. "Meanie, thank you," she whispered hugging him tightly.

"Course," he smiled proudly. "We got everything on your fucking list, so there's more in the fucking back. So have fucking fun."

"There's more coming within the next few days," Kota smirked. "So, where do we start?"

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