Chapter 9

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Angel opened her eyes and groaned at the pain that shot through her head. "Here," a soft whisper said before a cool mask was put over her face.

"Jess?" Angel croaked.

"The one and only," Jessica chuckled as she helped Angel sit up. "Now here is some water. I'm going to go deal with the brats and get us some food and you some hot tea. When you're ready we'll talk about your next move."

"Jess?" Angel asked nervously. Jess looked at her, "thank you."

"Of course," Jess smiled, "that's what best friends are for. Now rest your throat."

Everyone looked up at the sound of the door unlocking. Jess emerged and shut the door behind her. "Hey, Sis," Kota said softly.

"Kota," Jessica nodded as she walked over to the kitchen.

"How is she?" Sean asked.

"She'll be fine," Jessica shrugged. "She just needs a day or two to recover and figure out where to go from here."

'That's easy," Gabe shrugged, "she comes home with us."

Jessica chuckled, "Boy, you are stupid." She poured the hot water over the tea then began pouring in some honey. "Sure, you made her wish come true, by showing up and stopping that stupid so-called wedding, but you still hurt her. She wants to believe in you, but she's scared you're going to hurt her all over again. If you want her back, you're going to have to prove to her that you have changed. She's changed, Boys. She's not the same girl you once knew."

"We'll show her," Luke nodded.

"We've changed too," Kota nodded.

"We'll see," Jess shrugged as she picked up to the two cups. "She needs a soft breakfast for her throat. No bothering us unless you are bringing food."

"Got it," Marc nodded.

Jess came back into the room and handed her to hot tea with honey, "This will help your throat."

"What do I do, Jess?" Angel asked after taking a sip.

"That's up to you," Jess shrugged. "We can stay in here all day, I can take you somewhere else, we can take Vic's card and try to max it out, whatever you want."

"That's not what I was talking about and you know it," Angel whispered. "How do I navigate my life now? I just walked out on marrying one of the richest men in the world."

"Oh please," Jess scoffed, "He's what number 30 something on Forbes. Owen and Victor are one and two. You have nothing to worry about."

"Except all the talk that is probably going on now about it. I'm dreading opening any social medias once I get a new phone." Angel groaned and took another sip.

"Oh that's easy, just log into mine and deactivate all your accounts. Then you won't have to deal with all that crap," Jess shrugged.

"I um...don't know any of my passwords," Angel admitted. "He didn't want me having my own accounts so he had me delete my old accounts and created us joint ones. I don't know the passwords, he had it saved so I didn't have to worry about it."

"Man, just how controlling was this prick?" Jess asked.

"He meant well," Angel said taking another sip. "He was just trying to make it less stressful for me."

"You actually believe that crap?" Jess asked curiously.

"I used to," Angel whispered, "I don't know anymore."

"Well," Jess sighed and placed her empty cup down on the nightstand, "let's just put it off for another day. We will have a tech free day, today. Well, besides watching movies we'll have a tech free day."

"What about them?" Angel asked nervously.

"Oh, they are staying away," Jess chuckled. "They don't want to piss me off and they are trying to give you space. They know they have to earn your forgiveness for everything they have done to you."

"How can I trust them again?" She whispered. "Is it wrong that a part of me just wants to run in there and hug them and pretend these past few years never happened?"

Jess chuckled, "No, it makes sense," she said as she sat beside her best friend. "You want to go back to when you were happiest and the happiest I ever saw you was with them."

"Yeah," Angel whispered as Jess took the empty cup from her.

"You could go back to that," Jess nodded, "but a part of you will always be worried. You need to take a few days to sulk and figure out what YOU want in life before you make any decisions about anything."

"Can I do that in here?" She asked softly.

Jess chuckled, "Of course. You'll have to leave and face them eventually but that can wait for another day. Right now, why don't you go take a shower and I'll go get you some clean clothes, then we can spend all day binge watching Netflix, Hulu, and Discovery Plus if you want with tons of junk food."

Angel smiled, "That sounds perfect."

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