Chapter 3

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"Is she happy?" Luke asked with his voice cracking.

"I think she thinks she's eventually going to be happy with him," Jessica said honestly. "She's settling and she knows it. When you broke up with her five years ago, it destroyed her. She held onto hope that you would be able to get back together until she saw those pictures last year. After that was when she finally agreed to go out on a date with Barry and yeah you know the rest."

"But I had them retract those pictures and article stating that it was falsified," Victor frowned. "She was just another musician performing at the stadium as well, it was just a business lunch, that's all."

"She had already agreed to have a relationship with him by the time that was released," Jessica nodded.

"She looks like she lost weight," North frowned and Jessica nodded. "Fuck. She was already too skinny to begin with."

"Why did you break up anyway?" Jessica asked. "I thought you were happy."

"I fucked up," Brandon mumbled.

"What did you do?" Jessica asked.

"We were going to be gone for like six months," Brandon admitted. "We thought we couldn't do long distance and we didn't know exactly what the assignment was going to entail so we didn't want her to hear false things or anything so we just thought it would be best to end things. It was stupid."

"Yeah it was," she scoffed.

"Trust me, if we could take it back we would," Nathan sighed.

"Well, what are all if you going to do now?"

A Month Later

Angel opened her eyes and sighed softly as she sat up. "Ma'am? Breakfast will be ready soon," a female voice called through the door after a few knocks.

"Thank you," Angel called back. Her phone pinged just as she was getting out of bed.

Good Morning Angel, I ordered breakfast for you, I'll can't wait to see you in your dress. Bartholomew

Angel sighed and bit her bottom lip, Good morning and thank you. I can't wait to see you too, I'm excited to see what dress you picked out for me. Angel

She tossed her phone onto the bed and flopped back into the pillows. This was definitely not how she saw her life but she knew she should be grateful because it was a better life than some. She groaned then sighed again, okay that was enough of a pity party, she needed to get her head in the game. It was a special day and she was happy. Yeah, she was very happy, it was the day she always dreamed of and Bartholomew said he knew what she wanted so he would take care of everything so she didn't have to stress over all the details, so she just needed to have faith in him. He said he would take care of her and she should be grateful for that.

"Ma'am, the makeup artist and dressmaker are here to get you ready," a maid called out.

"Thank you, I'll be right out," Angel said as she sat up and grabbed the robe that was at the end of the bed. She slipped it on then opened the door. "I'm ready."

"This way, Ma'am," the maid said as she stepped to the side.

Angel nodded and followed the maid down the hall and towards the dining room. "Can I eat in the art room this morning?" Angel asked as the maid opened the door.

"No Ma'am," the maid shook her head. "Mr. Jones instructed that breakfast be in the dining room."

"Oh," Angel said softly, "okay." She walked through the door and froze for a second when she saw someone walk away from placing flowers on the table. They looked so familiar.

"What are these doing here?" The maid gasped as she noticed the sunny side eggs, sausage patties and bowl of cut up watermelon on the plate. "This is wrong! Don't worry Ma'am, I'll get it fixed right away."

"That's okay," Angel shook her head, "I like this."

"Oh no, Ma'am," she said picking up the plate. "Mr. Jones said no messy food, we have to stay on track. I'll go speak to the new cook right away."

"We have a new cook?" Angel asked confused. "Where's—"

"Sick, Ma'am," the maid interrupted. "I'll be right back, and I'll have someone replace these flowers as well, they are the wrong ones."

"Bartholomew didn't send these?" Angel asked looking at the purple dahlias and the maid shook her head. "They are my favorite flowers. Then where did they come from?"

"I don't know Ma'am, but I'll get them out of the way."

"No," Angel shook her head. "Please, I love them."

"They don't go with the schedule, Ma'am," the maid said she motioned to another maid. "Get rid of these and make sure the correct ones Mr. Jones ordered are here. Please, Ma'am sit, I'll have your correct breakfast here in just a couple of moments."

"Okay," Angel nodded as she sat. Sadness flowed through her as she watched the maids remove her favorite breakfast and flowers. Clearing her throat she pasted a smile on her face when another maid placed a vase of red roses on the table and a plate of toast and cup of plain black coffee was sat in front of her. "Thank you," she told the maid who nodded then quickly left.

She ate in silence then started to head down the hallway towards the room that her dress was. She passed a couple of the people setting up the wedding and stopped to look again, for just a second they looked familiar. But when she looked again, they were already gone, she had to be imagining things. She entered the dressing room and gasped as a couple of tears slipped down her cheeks as she saw her wedding dress.

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