Saturday, November 28th

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6:48 pm

Dear Diary, 

Tonight is the night of the dance!!! Chelsea and I are nervous but we certainly aren't showing it!! May I say we look fierce in our costumes!!!!!!! 

Tonight is the night of the dance!!! Chelsea and I are nervous but we certainly aren't showing it!! May I say we look fierce in our costumes!!!!!!! 

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let's get our party on! 

8:08 pm

Dear Diary, 

So the dance is going good so far!! When we walked in, we noticed that Stacy, Annie and Bella (the popular girls from 6th grade) were there and they were also dressed in 80s costumes and they said , "Show us what you got!!!"  But that's about all I have to say so far.... the dance just started 8 minutes ago. 

9:00 pm

Dear Diary, 

So people actually wanted to hear the radio at first but then to our convenience, the radio broke down and we're finally getting a chance to sing!!!

10:44 pm 

Dear Diary, 

So the dance just ended and it turned out we were nervous for nothing!!! It actually went really well!!! We sang our entire 80s playlist and people liked it!!! They were dancing and cheering and I guess our voice lessons paid off!!!! And then some of the 7th grade boys had a dance off which was hilarious!!!!  Oh yeah and we also played a little bit of truth or dare and ping pong!! And then the last song we sang was "Walking on Sunshine" and some 8th grade boy grabbed the mic and said, "GIVE IT UP FOR THE GIRLS THAT PLANNED THE DANCE..... RAVEN AND CHELSEA!!!!!" and then people actually cheered!!! I'd say I FINALLY proved that I am more than Gabby's sidekick!!! 

 RAVEN AND CHELSEA!!!!!" and then people actually cheered!!! I'd say I FINALLY proved that I am more than Gabby's sidekick!!! 

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