Monday, October 24th

8 0 0

5:04 pm

Dear Diary, 

So Chelsea and I felt great about our poster and theme for the dance but then we realized that Annie and Bella are going to have like a little play/skit at their dance if they win as entertainment and we haven't planned anything yet for entertainment..... we don't have enough time to learn and memorize an entire play so we are thinking of what else we can do....

Since we are in choir and we both love singing, we are thinking we could do some live music! Like instead of the radio we could sing but then we thought how are we going to enjoy the dance if we are singing the entire time? We have yet to figure that out but we came up with a list of  80s songs that we could sing!  This is our list: 

Since we are in choir and we both love singing, we are thinking we could do some live music! Like instead of the radio we could sing but then we thought how are we going to enjoy the dance if we are singing the entire time? We have yet to figure t...

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But we would need to change the lyrics to make them school appropriate. For example, I wanna dance with somebody- instead of "I wanna feel the heat with somebody", "We'd have to sing something like "I wanna move my feet with somebody" 

Well, we got the posters and entertainment down, wonder what our next portion will be. 

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