Tuesday, November 23rd

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1:15 pm

Dear Diary, 

my mom told us that we're going back to America on December 20th which means I've got less than a month here. Honestly, I kinda have mixed feelings about going back... I made some really incredible friends here in Italy like Alessia, Sophia, Elena and Jonathon, and I cut ties with Raven.... we aren't best friends anymore and Raven has a new best friend and I haven't talked to Vanessa or Brittany in like 3 months.... so I guess I take it back... I don't have MIXED feelings about going back... I have negative feelings about going back. Honestly, I was so upset when I got here but after all that has happened I kinda wish we could stay longer.... but I know we're not gonna. The rest of the Hefner Heartbreakers are ready to go home..... Rose is wanting to finish her senior year in Illinois so she can go to prom and graduation and all that with her original friends, Mara is getting really cranky and ready to finish second grade in Illinois and my mom misses my dad and her "Humble abode." But on the bright side, I've got another month here.  I am really glad that I met Jonathon! He is really nice... I was walking with him earlier and I told him I am going to miss him when I go back to America. Anyways, got to get to sixth hour. 

3:07 pm

Dear Diary, 

Okay.... umm..... 

Smooching in the hallway????? We were not "smooching in the hallway"???? Did the spezies really take a picture of me with lipstick on my face, post it and say we were smooching in the hallway?????

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Smooching in the hallway????? We were not "smooching in the hallway"???? Did the spezies really take a picture of me with lipstick on my face, post it and say we were smooching in the hallway?????

I had lipstick on my face because I had drill team practice..... what the heck???? 

3:45 pm

Dear Diary, 

I asked the spezies what was up with that and they said they started a twitter account where they post news regarding the spezies/school..... like publicists almost and it is ran by Alessia.... I told Alessia that we weren't smooching and she said...... 


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Hmmm.... okay.... I guess they weren't trying to spread rumors about me or anything. They're still my friends. 

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