Tuesday, August 14th

24 0 0

5:50 pm 

Dear Diary, 

Hi! It's me! And me! 

So Raven and I are going to do a new thing where we share the diary so when you see writing like this it's me (Gabby). 

And when you see writing like this it's me (Raven). 

Only a couple more days until our first day of 8th grade and we are very excited!! 

Hey... speak for yourself... I am kind of nervous! 

Oh don't be so nervous Raven... it's going to be awesome!! 

Maybe for you but I don't know about me... 

I am going to ignore that... anyways today we went to the mall with the Sapphire Sopranos and got some sick threads! We decided that each person in our squad is going to have a theme based on a decade 

Mine is 80s, Mine is 70s, Vanessa's is 60s, and  Brittany's is 50's. 

We look pretty popping if I don't say so myself!

Even me? 

Yes... even you Raven. 

(Sometimes she underestimates herself) 

Oh yeah and we are going to start putting more drawings in the diary. Any colorful drawing is probably me (Gabby).... Raven's not as talented at drawing

Yeah I am! 

Sure... keep telling yourself that. 

Why do my eyes look so creepy? 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Why do my eyes look so creepy? 

I never said I was any good at drawing faces....

Diary of a Wimpy Girl: Ciao GabbyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang