Tuesday, October 12th

8 0 0


1:07 pm

Dear Diary, 

I am not going to lie, Gabby is being kind of snobby!!! She keeps bragging about being in this popular group "La Spezies" and going on and on about how awesome it is to be popular and how I should "take notes" as she thinks some of the popularity tips and tricks from England may cross over to America. Like did it ever occur to her that I want to do things my own way instead of the way of her snobby friends that I have only known for a day??? I knew she was better at becoming popular than me but she doesn't have to rub it in my face!!! 

 Like did it ever occur to her that I want to do things my own way instead of the way of her snobby friends that I have only known for a day??? I knew she was better at becoming popular than me but she doesn't have to rub it in my face!!! 

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