Thursday, November 4th

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3:58 pm

Dear Diary, 

So since people think I am Gabby's "sidekick", I am thinking about ways to get rid of that image. Oh yeah and our main focus is still the dance. We think if we sing at the dance and all the people like how we sound, then we might be cooler. Singing is kinda how Gabby became cool after all. Speaking of she is STILL bragging on instagram about how she is so popular, I am so sick of it!!! She's posting about the Halloween party she went to and sang with a guy and all that I wish she would cool it with the bragging!!! In fact, I am almost ready to unfollow her. We are obviously not best friends anymore!!!

But I will admit, since Gabby's birthday is coming up- it is hitting me in the feels a little how we aren't friends anymore. We have celebrated our birthdays together pretty much every year since second grade.... so it is kind of sad that this is our first birthday as ex-friends. Well, her birthday. My birthday's not til May. 

I've probably said this before, but Rose, Gabby and Mara are easily the closest thing that I've had to sisters

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I've probably said this before, but Rose, Gabby and Mara are easily the closest thing that I've had to sisters. I miss... not Gabby but Rose and Mara! I haven't really heard from Rose lately except she texted me when I flew back home and said "Good luck making friends I have a ton of em"... yeah.... kind of snobby, I know but she is soft at heart I feel. Never thought I'd be saying Gabby's snobby older sister has a softer heart than Gabby.... 

8:00 pm

Dear Diary, so back to being more than Gabby's sidekick- Chelsea and I signed up for voice lessons and we just got back from the first lesson. Since Chelsea is my new best friend and we like to do everything together, we were together during the entire lesson. They told us ways to improve technique and such and I think it went well! 

But the only question is should we play instruments too?  Chelsea knows a little bit of guitar and I told her I could do some drums.... it's just an idea in the works. 

Diary of a Wimpy Girl: Ciao GabbyWhere stories live. Discover now