Man of Dreams

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I had finally set up my tent. I hadn't even bothered to look for the cabin this time. Looking over my work, I let the feeling of satisfaction wash over me.

Finally, alone at last. No school problems and no crazy work problems. Just me, myself and I. Content, I turned to make a fire and pulled my marshmallows out of my bag. Unfortunately, I had neglected to bring a chair so I sat on the forest floor.

I had sat there for about thirty minutes when I started to get tired. 'One more marshmallow' I told myself. I reached into the marshmallow bag, pulled out one, and stuck it onto my stick. As I roasted my marshmallow, it felt as though something had begun to crawl up my arm. Looking down, I let out a girlish scream and waved my arm around frantically. ' Oh my god, oh my god! It's a freaking spider!!!Oh my god, it's as big as my fist (and I wasn't exaggerating) Get it off!!!' My thoughts were in a panic.

The spider clung to my shirt as if it's life depended on it, which it did. Picking up the stick I was using to roast marshmallows, I scraped the spider off me. Then I proceeded to do a little dance of disgust, wiping at my skin as if a million spiders were there. I love nature but give me a snake over spiders any day.

'Okay, forget the marshmallows. I'm going into my safe, none spider infested tent and going to sleep,' I thought to myself.

Turning quickly, I sped to my tent. Once I got in, I zipped it up to where not even a knat could get in. Then, still shivering in disgust, I climbed into my sleeping bag and promptly fell asleep.

I was standing on nothing. Everywhere I looked it was just a black void. "Hello?" I called out and received no answer. "Hellooo? Is anyone there?" I tried again. Still no reply. Sighing, I turned around and collided into a body. Looking up, I saw the same man from my last dream. "Tarris" I say in surprise.
He looks down at me and smiles. "Wake up, love. It's time for us to meet."
***End Dream***

I jerked awake and looked around. I was still in my tent. I snatched my phone up and looked at the time. It was 6 in the morning. 'Ugh, darn dream. What is this? I keep dreaming about the same man and now it's waking me up too early in the freaking morning. If I ever see this guy for real, I'm gonna him a piece of my mind.' I continued to rant in my mind as I went ahead and got dressed. Climbing out of my tent, I saw that the fire still had a few burning embers in it. I grabbed a few sticks and stoked the fire, adding a few pieces of wood now and then.

After bringing the fire back to life, I grabbed my drawing pad and decided to take a walk. As I walked, I drew. I wasn't sure what I was drawing but my mind was set on something. I just watched as my hand made the fine arches with the pencil and made shadows by rubbing my finger against the markings. When I finished,I held it out in front of me to get a good look.

My eyes nearly bugged out of their head! It was an exact replica of Tarris, my dream man. I then blushed as I looked at the detail. It looked as though it was lovingly drew. I hardly knew the guy and yet, I had drawn him perfectly. I closed my journal and continued walking, deep in thought.

Gradually, a noise entered my thoughts. At first it was just a buzzing but it slowly progressed into a roar. I looked up to see why the noise was. All I could see was water. I looked up and gasped. I was at a waterfall. The same waterfall from my first dream.

"I knew you'd make it, love," said a voice. Looking to the right, I saw a man standing next to the water. The man from my dreams!

No one sent any jokes... Oh, well. She finally met Tarris! What do you guys think?





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