To be yours [is all I want]

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"No. I mean- we used to. Rick. But we decided to create a council to rule things instead. Give him a break." I tell him with a smile, and Spencer nods, looking down at the gauze in his hands.

"So what does Rick do now?" Spencer questions, glancing up at me.

"He's our farmer. Makes sure all our crops are good and pigs too. He's not here now, he and another one of our people, Daryl, are on a run." I explain, feeling a twinge of sadness at the thought of my friends. It's only been a few days but I already miss both of them. I guess I'm just used to seeing them every day. Either way, I'm very much looking forward to seeing them again.

"Oh, that's an important job- feeding everyone," Spencer comments, placing the box of gauze in one of the cupboards.

"Definitely," I agree, continuing to fill out my paperwork. Rick and Herschel are the only reason we have a stable food source. We wouldn't make it very long without them.

"So what-"

"Dr. Adams! Dr. Adams!"

At the sound of children shouting my name, I jump up from my chair, my heartbeat leaping. I turn around, facing the doorway in alarm.

Mika, Lizzie, and Sophia come running up to my office. "What's wrong?" I question them with wide eyes, worry overwhelming me.

"You need to talk sense into Lizzie! Cassie, she thinks that walkers are like us." Sophia tells me, eyes wide with disgust.

Lizzie sighs dramatically, crossing her arms. "You don't know that they aren't!" She snaps back at Sophia.

"Woah. Calm down, girls." I say, making them shut their mouths, looking at me innocently. "Lizzie, what exactly do you think they are?" I question the young girl, making her eyes meet mine.

"They're still human. They have names and everything! I don't think they want to hurt us, they want to be our friends," Lizzie tells me, making me shake my head.

"That's sweet of you to think Lizzie, but those aren't people anymore. The virus kills the part of your brain that makes you who you are. It takes away the personality, the love, the empathy- they are everything but human now." I explain delicately.

I watched it happen myself. The entire brain shuts down as the person dies- the only part of the brain that re-animates is the stem. The part that controls bodily movement, not personality. Not humanity.

"Told you," Sophia says knowingly, crossing her arms, making amusement flash through me. "Sophia," I say sternly, making her look down guiltily.

"You guys just don't get it!" Lizzie cries, tears in her eyes as she runs away. "Lizzie!" Mika calls, running after her.

I glance at Sophia in amusement. "What was that about?" I question, crossing my arms. Sophia sighs.

"Lizzie tries to name the walkers like they're pets or something. It's creepy." Sophia says, making me snort.

"Okay well, hopefully, she can get some sense into her. Go on, maybe hang out with Carl or Patrick instead. And be good!" I remind her, making her nod with a smile, following the younger girls out of the cell hall.

As Sophia leaves, I turn to Spencer with wide eyes and an amused smirk. "Kids, am I right?" Spencer says, making me laugh.

"Yeah, they're entertaining for sure." I breathe with a smile, getting back to my paperwork.

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