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Aleksandra Stilinksi, or Alex for short, was fed up with Beacon Hills. After her brother, Stiles, dragged her and their best friend, Scott, into the woods to search for a dead body, their lives changed. Whilst her brother got caught by their father, Scott and Alex weren't as fortunate. That night changed them, and whether it was for the better or the worse they couldn't change it. They were werewolves.

Scott and Alex had been forced to adjust to this new life, the uncontrollable rage, the full moons, the superstrength, and their newfound hair.

You may be thinking that that was the worst it could get. But they also had their own challenges from their alpha targeting them to a full alpha pack trying to get Alex and Scott to join their pack.

Then, the unthinkable happened.

They had made their way to the distillery, meeting up with Deucallion in order to take down the Darach once and for all, whilst saving their parents in the process. Both wolves shared a confident nod as they walked in front of Deucallion.

"You said you had a plan?" Deucallion questions, tilting his head towards the two betas, the two who were much stronger than they believed.

Scott takes out his phone as he nods his head, "On the first day of class, Jennifer sent all of us a message. It was the last line from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. I've got a message of my own to send her." He begins his recording as he reflects it on the symbol in the distillery, the symbol which Ennis carved the night the Argent's killed his beta.

"You see this symbol?" He questions. "It's a symbol of revenge" He then pans the phone back onto Deucallion, Alec and himself.

"You talk about balance. About saving people. We know what you really want. And now you know where to find us." Alex finished, glaring into the camera as the threat of losing her only parent would be too much for her to handle. Scott ends the video and the three wolves share a breath before preparing for the fight that is about to happen.

The three wolves stand next to each other, preparing for the arrival of the darach, only to see Derek standing alongside her.

"What are you doing?" Alex asks in confusion, not wanting to hurt the Hale who had helped them all from the beginning.

"This might be hard to believe, but I'm actually trying to help the two of you." He reveals, causing Scott and Alex to share an apprehensive look.

Deucalion doesn't take note of this as he begins to collapse his cane, "Like brother against brother. There's something very American about this." He removes his jacket. "Are you ready Jennifer?" He starts to make his way towards her, his voice becoming demonic as he progresses. "Did you gather your herbs? Pray to your ancient gods and your oak trees? Slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me? Or is it twelve now?" Deucalions fangs appear as he begins to transform, his eyes surging a scarlet red as he becomes the demon wolf.

Alex glows her eyes gold as she begins to get ready for a fight, but it doesn't turn into one as Deucalion is too strong. He immediately throws Derek in one direction and grabs the darach by the back of her head.

"Kill her." Deucalion demands, looking at the two betas in front of him. "Do it." The two betas hesitate and he responds with a roar, forcing them into their wolf form. "Now kill her. Your parents are dying. That storm you hear? She's burying them alive. It's her telluric currents. Kill her and it ends." Alex gets up quicker than Scott, almost looking as if she was going to do it but she stays where she is. "Alex, you were always the stronger one. Kill her and you can have your father back."

bad idea, right? (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now