
811 11 1

*phone rings*
I walk over to the phone and answer
The man on the other end "we need you"
"Hmp" just cause I've know this man for most of my life doesn't mean I'll fold as soon as he wants something but....
"I need you Lieutenant"
Damnit Price, eyes rolling and hands throwing up in the air. I just pause take a deep breath and answer the captain with the  correct amount of respect I can summon
"Send the location. I'll be there soon, cya cap"
*hangs up*

"Fuck me!" I shouted at the top of my laugns, my poor baby boy Jasper rans at me, well when I say baby he is still technically my baby but to be more specific his a 2 year old German shepherd, trained to be a bomb sniffer and guard dog. His been with me ever since I found him covered in blood hiding in a cardboard box on one of my missions. Bonus of being a lieutenant I pulled rank and got to keep him. Cleaned him, trained him and now protect him as much as he protects me. He goes where I goes no matter what, when I shower, when I go for lunch we go together no one really comes near me cause they get threatened by Jasper but I don't mind cause 90% of the time the guys who try to come talk to me, just talk shit about a woman being lieutenant and how I only got here cause I sucked the right dicks or how I could join them back in the rooms and blah blah blah. It's not like I can't defend myself just can't be bothered and don't wanna be that type of person who pulls rank on everyone all time. So I just take Jasper he deals with them.
"Sorry buddy, everything is okay just holidays are cut short and by the sounds of things we are transferring to a different unit and base....don't look at me like that I told u not to get comfortable."The German shepherd just head shakes at me and lays down looking just as fend up with this idea as I am.

Running around packings my bags with all clothes and equipment I could find and think of needing, laptop, guns and Jaspers needs. Throwing on my gray sweatpants and favourite baggie baby blue hoodie with the old and faithful black converse and not forgetting my tactical mask that only cover the lower half of my face.

With Jasper on my passenger seat of my matte black kitted out 4-wd. He never likes being in the dog box that's on the tray unless he has to and I would be lying if i say I don't like him chilling in car with me, bags in the back seat. With one last walk around of my little cottage house I was off.
Stepping out of the truck bags throw over my shoulder, while tucking those loose hairs behind my ears couldn't be bother to tie it up properly since it was a 9hr drive, Jasper stretching while he walks around the car to stand next to me.

Im meant by John price captain of taskforce 141 and standing next to him must be his top men by looks of things

Walking to up to them
"Shīto" I call to Jesper in Japanese and drop my bags.
I notice the eyebrow raise from some of them, i simple tell them that "I have commands for Jasper in Japanese"
Stepping closer I put my hand out to shake johns hand, he quickly grabs my hand and pulls me in with a huge smile, giving me a bear hug.

I should explain, John price has been my mentor, farther figure and captain, mostly everything I know is from this man. He put me underneath his wings and took me outta the shitty situation I had myself in and he moulded me into the proud lieutenant I am today. I will not say for 1 minutes tho it was easy he had me working hard everyday to earn this position and I'm truly thankful for that.

We pull away from the hug and take a few steps back so I could see the team better since they as tall as mountains compared to me.

John being the proud wanna be dad he is he tries to introduce me to his team
"Everyone this is lieutenant Parker call sign Hacker, Tr....."
"THATS enough thanks cap, yep just call me Hacker we are cool with that ha ha.
"Very well, this is Sergeant  John MacTavish call sign Soap"
Little head nod to each other
"This is Sergeant Kyle Garrick call sign Gaz"
Hand shake, polite very good
"And this is Lieutenant Riley call sign Ghost but don't call him anything other then ghost or Lt, safer that way."
Ghost looks me up and down and grunts... GRUNTS!
Who is this prick, someone's mad they not the only lieutenant anymore.

* writers notes*
Well imma try to give this a shot kinda just a little side project of mine idk if anyone will every see this but it's fine :)

Whatever, Lieutenant. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang