a glimpse

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DRACO'S PARENTS WERE BUZZING in excitement this summer as their old friend is returning to live in England for a bit. According to them, he's met the family before but honestly, he has no idea who they're talking about. 

"Is it just going to be us three?" Cassie asks trying to eat a rather large piece of bacon. Draco frowned at her slightly disgusted. 

"No, your other friends are joining us too." Their father said, his platinum blond hair tied back with a black ribbon. 

There were things that their parents did every day and never changed. Their mother baked that one cookie recipe all the time (it was a good recipe so Draco didn't really mind), she wore the same red beret and always sat by the statue of the woman in the courtyard. Their father constantly wore the same black silk ribbon, his hair length never changing and the same silver snake cane with obsidian eyes. It was strange, even to their friends.

"But only the ones who were friends with the Winsdors back in Hogwarts." Their mother added.

"I'm not sure who they are mother," Draco said, She smiled sadly to herself.

"Oh, just  the Parkinsons,"

"I know they've visited us when we were small mother but surely you can't expect Draco and I to remember them," Cassie commented. 

"Well we are  aware of that but it's still your job to be nice and try to include Persephone into your group at least till she makes her own friends." Their mother told them, and he sighed.

"Do we have to be outside?"

"Yes Draco, the weather is quite nice and the elves have already set everything up. You will have the courtyard as well if you don't want to touch the grass." Lucius said.

Their mother smiles, "Oh I am quite excited. I haven't  gotten the chance to meet Persephone and apparently, she is a very bright  child."

"Better not take your ranking in class you two,"  Lucius says pointing a fork at the twins.

"Yes, father." They said in unison.

Their father who went back to reading the Daily Prophet gasped loudly which was out of character for him. 

"What is it?" Their mother asks gently. 

"Black... He's escaped."

The mention of their uncle made their mother freeze. Draco did not know much about Sirius Black, just that he had killed a lot of people.  He however was aware of the connection between their mother and Sirius, they shared deep secrets and whenever Draco had asked what it was his mother simply smiled softly and shook her head.

"Merlin's beard." Their mother muttered to herself before turning to the twins. "You two have to be very careful, it is likely that he is out for revenge."

"For Potter?" Cassie asks.

"Maybe." Their mother responds quietly to herself. 


ASTORIA HAD KIND BROWN eyes that lit up when she smiled. The woman stood over Draco and Cassieopea, "Hello dears, may I have  a hug." (Cassie being the extrovert she is allowed her  while Draco said no to which  the lady responded  "That's alright." to  his  surprise)

Isaac had dark brown hair and fair skin, It did not seem like he knew their parents as well as Astoria did, he only shook their hands instead of hugging them. 

"They look like miniature versions of you two," Astoria commented, She had an American accent which he found quite amusing.

Growing up Cassie always wished she could have had their mother's brown and blonde hair, thinking that it was natural. Draco on the other hand remembers the story their mother had told them when they were younger about the bronze statue in their cortyard. 

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗡 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя