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NARCISSA SPENT HER CHRISTMAS back at home with everyone except Sirius. It was the first time in months that she had been home and there was dark atmosphere that clung to the walls. 

When she and Regulus arrived, Andromeda had warned them not to speak about Sirius as it was a  touchy subject for Wallburga and no one wanted to put her into  an already worse state of mind. 

Gossip had spread across their allies about what had happened, and apparently they all believed that the House of Black's reign  is falling. Her mother thought it was a brilliant idea to host a Christmas dinner to show that even a horrendus scandal could not pull them down.

She asked the kids of the family to invite all her friends, Narcissa sent an invitiation to Florence (Who she was still not on speaking terms with), and Lucius (obviously)

She decided to risk it and ask Briare who was in England for Christmas and Asteria (knowing she would not survive spending a night with Florence in the room without her being there) both gladly accepted even after warning them about snide comments her family will most definitly make about them.

Narcissa had to admit that she was excited, over the past several weeks Asteria had reaffirming her that her liking for Florence was completly normal. Perhaps she could gain the courage to talk to her normally and forget about her feelings and go back to the way it was before.

The dinner was beautiful, candles were lit and everyone was standing around talking while guests were slowly arriving. Narcissa held a glass of champagne as she talked to the Malfoys and Briare.

"I've only been to Korea once and it truely was an amazing experience." Abraxas Malfoy blabbered after finding  out Briare was not indeed Chinese but Korean. The black haired girl just nodded with a smile while taking sips from her  drink  and Lucius  stood with great posture, his long hair in a low ponytail with a black bow.

Narcissa half listened as she was looking around the room looking for people who seem familiar. Regulus with Asteria and a blonde girl she had seen him hang around before, Avery, Yaxly, Lestrange and Bellatrix were talking to Druella.

Then her eyes met a pair of brown ones, Florence stood across the room listening to whatever Parkinson was saying. Her brown curls rested on her shoulders, she wore a black beret that matched with the colour of her dress. She stared intensly across the  room  and towards her not blinking.

Narcissa felt her cheeks heat up and her heartbeat quickening, it was stupid, she hated whatever strange phase she was going through.

Briare cleared her throat  causing her concentration to drift  back into the conversation, "It really is remarkable isn't it Narcissa?"

Narcissa who did not hear a single word just smiled and nodded.

Abraxas excused himself to go talk to her father, Lucius let out a heavy sigh allowing his shoulders to relax. "That was tiring."

"Most certainly was." Briare said with a chuckle, 

"Lucius come here!" Abraxas called out to his son, the boy looked at them rolling his eyes before  putting on a smile as he approached his father.

"What the fuck was  that?" Briare immediatly asked.

"What was what?" Narcissa asked confused.

"That staring thing you and Flore were doing across  the room, it was disgusting." 

"What was disgusting about it?" She asked hesitantly.

"Now that you know about your feelings for Flore you look  like a love sick puppy."

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗡 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang