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UNFORTUNATELY SUMMER WENT BY in a flash, the two girls did many things together, they managed to sneak onto the Eiffel tower and eat the best bakery in the city's macrons.  They stargazed, read ancient  Greek legends, had picnics and wrote poetry near the lake.

Narcissa sat with her friends in the Dining hall waiting for the sorting to start, they were sharing what they had each done over the holidays when she noticed Regulus Black. His face looked sullen and he had big eye bags from lack of sleep. He walked towards the Slytherin table and stopped, a wistfulness clouded his eyes before he spotted her. Regulus's grey-blue eyes hardened as the two were staring each other down, she glared sharply at the boy before he turned and sat next to Snape.

"What just happened?" Briare breathed.  "I don't think I've ever seen you angry."

Narcissa was mad at her cousin who had promised her that they would write to each other. He never wrote to her, and he had the audacity to be angry?!

"I have," Lucius said with a dry chuckle. "It is not fun."

"Regulus had promised me that we would to each other, the whole summer, he had not written a single letter to me." She told Briare, noticing the sudden fall of emotion in her face.

"Did you not hear?" Lucius asked, his voice dropping down to a whisper. Narcissa shook her head.

"I think it's a story for Reg to tell," Florence advised him who nodded in response.

"What story?"

"I think it's better if you resolve whatever problem you're having right now with your cousin and then learn  about what happened." The brunette told her.

"Or...  You could just ask Sirius." Briare said leaning onto her hand. Narcissa glanced across the tables, the Marauders were late again.

"Ask Regulus," Lucius said shooting a look to Briare who yawned. 

Narcissa opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Professor McGonagall striding down the hall with a group of first years. 


NARCISSA  NEARLY FORGOT ABOUT  the new exchange Ilvermony students. She stood in front of the door to Dumbledores office, completely forgetting the password.

"It's lemon drop, singular." A  voice said.

She laughed awkwardly before whispering "Lemon drop."

Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett's twin brother and Molly Prewett's older brother. The twins were mischievous and were the Marauders of their grade. The Marauders and the Prewett twins were known for their prank battles. Two girls were sitting in front of Dumbledore's desk, one grinned devilishly and the other had a whisp of a smile.

"Good evening Miss Black, Mr Prewett," Professor Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkling. "This is Asteria Blossom and Kalyspo Freeman."

The two Americans were already in their house uniform, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you," Asteria said, her voice laced with an American accent. 

"it's nice to meet you" Kalypso spoke softly in a thick southern accent.

"Should I take Kalypso to the Gryffindor common room now Professor?" Prewett asked.

"Yes. Everyone is dismissed."

Narcissa awkwardly walked with Asteria back to her dorms. The girl was beautiful, she walked gracefully, her long braids swaying behind her. They stopped in front of the door of her dormitory, she knocked three quick taps against the oak.

"Come in!" A muffled voice came from inside. 

She twisted the golden nob opening the door, revealing  Briare and Florence sitting on her bed their legs crossed. A deck of cards was split into two in front of Briare, she took three cards and lay them towards the latter it had a hand-drawn design.

"What are you two doing- It doesn't matter, this is Asteria Blossom, Asteria this is Briare Seong and Florence Grimrose. "  Narcissa introduced, Asteria gave a small wave before gasping in excitement. 

"Are you two doing tarot reading?"

"Yes, can you believe Briare's aunt hand drew them?" Florence said excited as well. 

Asteria sat down on the side of them, she picked a card up from the pile with two fingers inspecting it. "Wow these are impressive, does she make them professionally or?"

"Yeah, she's opened a store in Hogsmede...Well opening one, it's taken longer than she expected." Braire answered

"Oh cool, you better invite me when it does."

"Definitely. Hey uh, when I'm finished doing Florence's reading I can do yours if you want?"

"Sure! I've always wanted to get a reading, my mum however says it's a no maj thing and that it's a waste of time." 

The girls continued talking forgetting Narcissa was still standing in the doorway watching them, she silently retreated to her bed and pulled out a book she had brought from France. A feeling inside her churned as she kept glancing from her book at Asteria as she held Florence's palm, staring at it intently. Narcissa decided she was too tired to read and closed her eyes, listening to the chatter of her dorm mates.

authors note
not me cringing at my work so far. I finally got some time to write sooo I did! It's shorter than usual but yeah anyway happy new years eve!!

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