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"ARE YOU OKAY?" Sirius asked with a gasp.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah of course." 

Sirius led Narcissa upstairs to a room trying not to have anyone see her. The room had posters of quidditch teams and some muggle bands, it was just so Sirius.

"What happened?" He asked as she sat down on his bed, he pulled up a chair to sit opposite of her. "Because no offence Cissy but you look shit." 

"Yeah, I know." She said with a sad laugh. "It  was a very eventful night for me."

"Yeah uhm... I can tell."

Narcissa  took a breath in, "They found out about Florence and I."

Sirius looked shocked. "Oh shit, I did  not expect that."

She nodded resting her head in her hands as she struggled to talk. "They killed her."

"WHAT" He exclaimed standing up, "You are joking."

Narcissa looked up, her eyes shiny. "No."

"That is... That is a new low for them. You're like the perfect child, why would they punish you like that. At least it was painless."

"I don't know  about that."  She whispered. "They put her under the Imperius curse and made  her jump off the Astronomy tower back at Hogwarts."

"I swear to Merlin,  I  am going to kill them." He hissed going to the door.

"You can't," She said plainly.

"It's okay. I didn't protect Regulus from them, I can't  just watch them destroy another person I care about again."

"I already  did Sirius."  She blurted out. " I killed them. Mum, dad, aunt Wallburga, uncle Orion. All of  them."

Sirius froze in shock, taking a seat again. "Holy shit, didn't know you had it in you."

"Me neither. It's just I only saw red."  She confessed looking at her wand. 

"I am so grateful for that Narcissa. I do not blame you for it. I think  we all wanted to kill them at one point in our lives." 

"Sirius." She said. "I want to destroy them still."

"They're dead though." He replied confused. 

"I want the Dark Lord to fall."

Sirius  looked thoroughly impressed by the amount of conviction Narcissa said it with. A grin split across his face,  "Are you saying you want to join the Order?"

Narcissa shook her head. "I  hate the Order."

"Then what are you saying." He asked confused.

" I am going to spy for you."

"Okay."  He said nodding. "And you don't want to  join the Order because?" 

"The thing is, I don't want to join the Order. We can't just trust anyone in there. I am going to spy for you."

" And you don't want anyone to know about it?" She nodded and he sighed. "What about... James,  Dumbledore and I know about it?"


Sirius frowned. "Why?"

"I  hate Dumbledore, but I suppose Potter is fine."

"I'm sure if you confess to killing them Dumbledore could get the last couple of hours wiped from your wand without telling everyone. He's aware of Florence's murder right?"

She nodded and he continued. " Well then it should be fine. He would never guess you're spying for us and you won't get caught for the murders."

A knock echoed from the  door. "Pads, you okay? Who was at the door?"

"Oh no one." Sirius called out.

"May I come in?"

Sirius looked at Narcissa who frowned in confusion, "It's James." 

She nodded and he called out a yes. Potter froze at the sight of her, "Woah what happened to you?"

"Long story Prongsie, but she's going to be a spy for us. Now we aren't allowed to tell anyone, even Dumbledore, about this due to Cissy's terms. Also speaking of Dumbledore can you send an owl to him about wiping wand history?"

Looking like a deer in headlights, Potter just nodded slowly and walked back out of the house. 

"Oh Narcissa. You really didn't deserve this." Sirius said to her. "Lily's out right now, so if you want you can borrow her clothes?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm going back home. There are things I have to do  right away."

"Okay sure, you can use our floo." He said standing up with her, "Oh and we need your wand."

Narcissa handed over her wand to Sirius who she pulled into a hug. "Thank you."

"Of course, and if you need anything else I'm here." He said with a smile.

Narcissa smiled back already having a plan. She was going to apologise to Lucius, join the Death Eater meetings, have the funeral and fulfil her duty. 

authors note: 
idk if i  like this chapter because it's mainly talking. But the fic is nearly finished surprisingly!

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