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A YEAR HAD PASSED since. Narcissa doesn't hear from Regulus often,  only an occasional owl dropping by a letter with a sentence on it. But the last owl hadn't come in a while, but she knew it was better than to worry about it. 

Narcissa also hadn't seen or talked to Lucius in a while, nor did she have to her family. (Upsetting about Lucius, not her family, she really doesn't care about Druella or Cygnus) She was walking around the usual muggle side of far London eating ice cream, her hand interlocked with Florence's who was ranting on about a new beret she had gotten recently. 

Loud bangs and screams echoed from the direction they were walking in, Narcissa looked at Florence terrified. People started rushing past them, the sky darkening. They followed,   not knowing where they were going, just following the muggles. 

"Narcissa look!" Florence gasped, her head staring at the sky behind them. A dark green swirl of smoke swirling into a very familiar symbol. The dark mark stared at them glowing a horrifying green. 

She froze while Florence continued running, Narcissa suddenly felt her hand feel very empty. Looking around she could not see a beret and brown curls anywhere. While she knew she was not going to get attacked, she could easily be mistakened as a muggle. It wasn't like she was visiting the area all the time. She just could not let anyone find her, it would not end up well, especially if Florence wasn't around. 

Narcissa felt her eyes prick as she ran to a nearby alleyway. Leaning against a brick wall she took deep breaths to try to calm herself down. 

"Cissy!  Oh, Merlin's beard!" She heard Florence yell running towards her. Narcissa hugged her not helping the tears fall, Muggles would probably be even more scared than she was right then.

She felt Florence stroke her head and bringing her closer to her body before placing her lips onto her head. 

"Well, well, well, Cissy, didn't expect to see you here." A familiar voice drawled. Narcissa stiffened in Florences arms,  she peeled away from the brunette to come face to face to her sister.

"Bella, its been a while."

Her sister grinned like the Cheshire cat. "It sure has. What are you two doing here?" 

Narcissa glanced at Florence who was readjusting her beret that rested wonkily on her head. "Sightseeing?"

Bellatrix did not look like she bought it, looking very amused her eyes flickered between Narcissa and Florence. Several screams echoed from the building behind, her grin widened at the sound of it. 

"Interesting place as well."

Florence nodded, "Very interesting, we haven't visited many places in London you know, the same places, it gets boring after a while."

"That makes sense but doesn't seem like Narcissa's thing about liking new places but then again its been so long since we last saw her I feel like I don't know  anything about her post-Hogwarts self."

"Just been so busy at the Malfoy Manor."  Narcissa said, Florence nodding intently.

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes between the girls, sometimes as kids, whenever Narcissa tried hiding something, her eldest sister would always look at her as if she knew everything she did and she couldn't help just spilling her lies. But this time she did not budge.

"Right, but I guess the only thing that hasn't changed about you is that you're still a cry baby."

Narcissa frowned and Florence opened her mouth to say something in response but she shook her head subtly. "It was  a bit scary hearing screams."

"Right." Bellatrix said before splitting off into the widest grins. "Maman is having a birthday bash, you should come."

"Uhm, I kind of-"

"Yeah I know you said no already but you have to come Cissy, its been so long and it would be so fun."  Bellatrix said, theres something about her that Narcissa couldn't refuse to. 


"Great. Bring Lucius." Bellatrix said before looking at Florence curiously, "Not here though."

"Wasn't planning to come anyway," Florence said under her breath, Narcissa prayed that her sister did not hear it. But judging by the way her head tilted she did.

"OKAY!" Narcissa clapped her hands. "We ought to go, and you should as well. Finish torturing those horrible muggles right?"

Bellatrix laughed but it was more of a cackle. "Yeah, see you soon."

Narcissa waved awkwardly as Bellatrix apparated away. "Bloody hell."

Florence exhaled sharply, "Thank  Merlin for that, I thought that would end up horrible."

"Me too." Narcissa said, ignoring the way her stomach twisted nervously. "Me too."

authors note:
Sorry about the time skips, but there's going to be a lot since there's nothing else to  fill  in those gaps. The next one is probably going to be like a couple months.

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