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𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗜𝗦𝗦𝗔 𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗖𝗛𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗠𝗔𝗦 had a love-hate relationship. She hated staying at The Grimmauld Place during the supposedly merry times. Her parents weren't exactly the best, they expected nothing less than exceptional from Narcissa. So usually her Christmass' consists of wearing tight dresses and plastering a smile as she listened to the criticising. 

"Narcissa your smile is too crooked fix it."

"Narcissa have you grown fat? I told you not to grab seconds."

"Narcissa why are you wearing that? It makes you uglier than you already are."

Hating this,  she always tries to spend the most amount of time of her holidays at Hogwarts. Those couple of weeks were her favourite, consisting of staying late with her friends, warming her hands against the cup of hot chocolate, having snow play, decorating the Slytherin tree etc. Unfortunately, she was summoned along with her sister and cousins, Andromeda, Sirius and Regulus, to attend this year's party along with the funeral of her great aunt.

Fortunately, she was allowed to invite her very pure, pureblood friends, Lucius Malfoy and Florence Grimrose. 

"This year's party is going to be quite a draaaag." a voice complained interrupting her thoughts, she grabbed wrapped her jacket -- her mother had enchanted to keep warm-- tighter.

"Don't let Walburga hear you complain like that Sirius" 

Sirius Black was probably her favourite cousin, he was probably everyone's favourite cousin (apart from Bellatrix of course). The thing that she admired about him was his bravery, or in a more likely scenario, the bravery to freely show his idiocy. Sirius was the black sheep of the family (pun not intended, or was it ;) ) and her aunt always tries to change the boy.  Whether be his appearance or his opinion towards muggles and muggle-borns, or his friends, everything was simply messed up about him. Of course, Narcissa didn't think about him like that but she was forced to act as she did. He always manages to find new ways to piss of his mother, nowadays, it seems like a hobby. 

"Well, Walburga can go die in a ditch." He said causing the girl to look at him with an eyebrow raised. 

"Oh come on, we both know everyone hates the woman-I-use-to-call-mother." 

Narcissa shrugged and continued to trudge in the snow beside her cousin. "All I know is that I would rather be at Hogwarts than here."

"Don't we all?" Sirius said wistfully, staring into the cloudy grey sky. "It's not fair how you get to bring along your friends."

"Maybe if you make proper friends for once then Walburga would let you."

"What makes you say Prongs isn't a proper friend? He's a pureblood, handsome and charming, but of course not as handsome and charming as me." She ignored the egoistical comment made by the boy.

"He's a muggle lover."  She stated, "That's what is apparently wrong with him, besides, you have a wonderful brother who currently is sitting by himself reading next to the fire. Perhaps, go hang out with him?" 

Regulus Black was Sirius's brother, he's a nice and rather sweet guy, of course like the rest of the family he doesn't show it. He looks nearly identical to his brother, even though they're a year apart. The poor boy doesn't know how to express his emotions, so he stresses himself to please Walburga --always succeeding-- something Sirius detests about him. But, something that he is unaware of is that Regulus admires his brother.

Sirius and Regulus's relationship was similar to Narcissa's and Christmas, on a day-to-day basis the latter complains how much of a horrible brother Sirius is. While Sirius complains how much of a suck-up Regulus is. However, whenever the Slytherin's 'friends' bully him, somehow the bullies end up in a sticky situation (aka a prank).  

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗡 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now