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IT HAD BEEN EIGHT weeks since Florence and Narcissa saw Briare crying her heart out. It turns out that Alexander had been using her to get money -- "Did he say anything else? Maybe that's not the entire story." She asked. "I got up before he could finish." The teary-eyed girl said.--

The next day their friend appeared  normal, as if she wasn't crying the night before, "I'm over him." 

"I swear to Merlin, next time I see that son of a bitch Imma." Florence had said punching aggressively into her palm, and she did attack Parkinson. She only got a couple of swings before Narcissa grabbed her by her waist and pulled her out, the thing that annoyed her the most was that he didn't even fight back. The brunette is terrifying when she is angry.

Briare doesn't look or act fine but her words say otherwise, "Bet he's already moved on to torment another girl." 

It certainly didn't look like he did, Alexander Parkinson would stare at the black-haired girl with sad puppy dog eyes. Whenever they walked into the same hallway as him Briare would turn around and drag them with her, Narcissa would glance back and see the look on his face, it appeared as if someone had struck him with a bow in the heart. And it also seemed like everyone heard about what happened, they would stare at Briare sympathetically, even the Marauders and Prewett twins -- she never talked to the twins because they were from an 'unethical family'--

So two months flew by with Florence, Narcissa, Briare, and Lucius avoiding Parkinson at all costs, but the thing is when you're trying to avoid someone you tend to bump into them a lot more.

Right now the four of them were in the great hall eating breakfast. Florence stabbing her bacon, Narcissa's nose in a book, Briare playing with her food, Lucius was eating, and Regulus sat with them today staring at her plate.

"Ugh, today is going to be soooo boring." Andromeda slid in a spot opposite of her cousin, "Hey Reg,"  A glass of pumpkin juice appeared in front of her, she guzzled it all down.

"Is that all your going to eat?" She asked eyeing the empty plate sitting in front of her.

"Today's quidditch training day," Her sister said as if it explained everything, they all looked at Regulus --The Slytherin seeker--  who blinked in surprise at the attention.

"Oh uh yeah, um, we eat light when we have training." 

"How are you coping Seong?" Andy asked, 

"I'm over Parkinson if that's what you're asking, the amount of free time I have leftover now is amazing." Usually, Briare would spend her time watching Quidditch practices, but now she didn't even go to the games. This left her with a lot of time to complete homework.

"Guys are jerks B', it's good you learned that now than later," Lucius told her,

"That's why I prefer girls," Florence said without looking away from her bacon. Everyone (just the people who heard her) stared at the brunette. "What? I think it's a wonderful time to come out  don't you?" The girl's hazel-green eyes flickered towards Narcissa, who immediately stared at her book.

"Wonderful indeed," Andy remarked with a knowing smirk, she felt like punching that off her face.

Maybe she had a chance, that's what her friends/sister/cousin are probably thinking, however she knew that she would be the last person Florence would date. If she was Florence, she wouldn't even date herself.

A flurry of owls came flying in for the daily post, her owl named Mercury --A snowy owl named after his mercury blue eyes and the Roman god-- landed gracefully on her arm, a letter wrapped on its leg tied with a scarlet red ribbon. She immediately knew who it was from but opened it anyway,

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