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HALLOWEEN WAS A MUGGLE holiday in England, but she had heard a lot about it from Astoria because apparently it was really big in America. Pureblood families however call it Hallows Eve, a  day to stay connected to the witches and wizards that come before. 

Narcissa and Lucius had spent time to show the twins the family tree in the Malfoy manor. Ignoring a few people in her family tree (coincidentally the ones she had murdered two years ago). She taught them about Uncle Sirius and Regulus and Aunt Andromeda, showed pictures and some memories. 

While they were only one year old they could successfully name some family members, specifically the ones they saw a lot. She taught them of Florence, the bronze woman in their garden and the name in Cassieopea's name. It was upsetting that they could never meet such a wonderful person. 

They were quite close with  Pansy Parkinson and met up occasionally. One person they were quite close with was their Uncle Sirius. He came over a couple of times when Lucius was out (he purposely was not in the house whenever Sirius was over because of their dislike for each other) and was very loud with the kids. 

Narcissa had started attending the meetings frequently. She was trusted because of Lucius's status and ranking among the death eaters. She somehow wasn't caught yet as a spy,  not even by Lucius as she constantly fed Sirius with information. According to him the Order still isn't aware who his special spy was and stopped asking him questions.  

It was a late Halloween night of 1981,  Lucius with the death eaters and Narcissa was alone in her room as she had just put the kids to bed. A loud crack echoed in the hallway and Lucius stumbled into the room, his hair glistened in the moonlight. He had a ragged and scared look on his face, eyes widened in fear, breathing heavily as if he was trying to process something. 

"Lucius?" She asked.

"The Dark Lord." He rushed, "The Dark Lord has fallen."

Narcissa did not expect that at all. In fact, she wasn't sure what she expected, just not that. She wanted to jump in joy,  owl Sirius and scream with him in happiness.

"Isn't that a good thing? Why are you so shaken?"

"Narcissa, I'm a known death eater, I have the dark mark on my arm for Merlins sake! I could get arrested. I could go to Azkaban. I could get the Dementors Kiss." 

And for the first time, Lucius looked scared, his eyes shone in the light. Narcissa got up and held his hands in an attempt to comfort him.

"You are a Malfoy. " She said reassuringly, "We can get out of this, we'll get a lawyer, you know what we'll pay off the Ministry. It's going to be okay."

Narcissa lead Lucius to sit down, "How did he die?"

"There was a prophecy, and I wasn't even aware of it..." Lucius trailed off. " He would die if he doesn't kill a boy that fitted the description of it. He killed the Potters and tried to kill their kids and it backfired onto him and now he's gone." 

Narcissa froze in horror, "The Potters as in-" 

"James and Lily Potter yes."

"Where were they all this time? I thought they were at a safe house."

Lucius nodded breathing in deeply trying to calm himself down. "Someone sold them out."


He shook his head, "Not sure, no one really knows the details of what happened. Snape told me. He saw the Lord kill them, he thinks its Black."


"Yes." Lucius said with a laugh. "The guy was secretly just like his mother all this time."

If Sirius was like Wallburga, wait for Lucius to discover she is exactly like her sister. A murderer. 

"Merlins beard." She said to herself unable to think. "You know what... Let's get you to bed, how does that sound?"

Lucius nods, looking like his mind was occupied.


IN THE MORNING SHE saw the  Daily  Prophet. It already was out,  the war being over, a baby being the first to survive a killing curse, Sirius's being arrested.

Narcissa knew that Sirius did not sell out the Potters. It just did not make sense. But what did make sense was if Peter was the rat all along and Sirius decided to get revenge on him by killing him. She sighed wishing that Sirius would have thought through that plan a bit better.

"Lucius... Do you think that Sirius was the one who sold  out the Potters all along?" She asked him. Lucius seemed more calmer from last night and was eating his breakfast.

"No." He responded. "Apparently it was Pettigrew. He has been a death eater for a while now and was also the Potters's secret keeper. He sold them out."

Well, that confirmed her theory, and Sirius's constant question whenever he came over of who the spy was in the Order.

"Don't you think that's a bit sad?" She asked. 

"No." He said after taking a second to think. "War is like that. It changes people. Destroys them. It's honestly just the survival of the fittest. Death is never fair, it's an inevitable thing during  war and you should know  that by now." 

Narcissa does. With her family all gone,  Regulus gone, Florence gone, she should have gotten used to the concept of death, the harsh truth of life. That is not fair.

Florence died at such a young age. She was unfairly murdered, for being in love with someone that was not a guy. She was murdered to punish Narcissa because they knew she couldn't live without her.  Narcissa murdered them in vengeance, to satisfy the anger that burnt within her. But it did nothing and she hated that the only thing that helped her was time. 

She missed Florence so much, but the only thing she can do right now is try to keep her memories alive. It was that day she decided to dye her hair strips of brown, the same chocolate brown as Florence's to commemorate her. Why? Because Narcissa was tired of losing and instead wanted to try keeping for once.

authors note:  
did  i just finish my first fanfic?  Yes I did. There's only the epilogue  left.

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