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"HEY BRIARE CAN I TALK TO YOU?" Alexander called out running up to the trio of girls, Narcissa glanced at the others confused. "Alone." He said looking at Florence and her.

"Come on Cissy, let's leave the two of them alone." The brunette said hooking arms with her once the two were out of earshot she glanced back at Briare and Parkinson who were looking at each other awkwardly.

"Are we really leaving them alone?"

"No."She answered ducking into a nearby empty classroom dragging her along.

The two crouched down peaking from behind the door, "I'm not sure if you have super hearing Flore but I can't hear them, they are too far away."

"Of course you can't silly." The girl laughed lightly, "But this spell can."

Florence pulled out her wand "Briare Seong et Alexander Parkinson, améliorer." she said in French before tapping both her ears lightly, she gestured for her to come closer before tapping both her ears.

"This spell should focus on their conversation."

Narcissa blinked several times before realising the swirling oceans of voices in her head belonged to Briare and Alexander. Exhaling she poked her head from the room watching.

"Um." The boy started running his fingers through his hair. "I've noticed you, and I think you're pretty and kind and kinda scary."

"You think I'm scary?"

" Yes." Alexander admitted, "Well, I-I like you, and I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" He shifted his weight, blushing lightly.

"Wow, he's shy that probably means he actually likes her," Florence whispered, the brunette's body was almost touching hers, a shiver ran down her spine.

"How are you so sure?" She whispered back trying hard not to blush.

"He shifted his weight, ran his fingers through his hair. Dead give away."

She looked up at her friend who was looking back at her, the intensity of her hazel-green eyes was too great for her, causing her to glance away and back at Briare.

"This weekend?"


She could tell by the way her friend scrunched her fists into balls she was trying very hard not to squeal.

"Oh um yeah sure, definitely."


The two Slytherins smiled at each other blushing before Briare nodded swiftly and turned onto her heel walking towards the classroom they were in. Florence quickly undid the spell right before the black-haired girl burst into the room with a wide grin.

"I'm not going to ask what you two were doing in here."

She glanced at her friend blushing, Briare rolled her eyes fondly, "I know you two were eavesdropping. But I'm going to tell you the news anyway."

"ALEXANDER PARKINSON ASKED ME OUT!!" Her friend whispered yelled, Narcissa squealed with her jumping along with Florence.

" I just hope it's not a prank." She finally said after they calmed down.

"It's not a prank, why would someone prank you on this sort of thing?" Narcissa asked.

It definitely was a good question, there were many reasons, money, bribery, or for fun. So why did you do it to Briare, Alexander?


"I DID IT," Alexander said entering the room. "I asked Briare on a date."

"Good job." Avery grinned menacingly. "We knew you wouldn't back out."

"So where's the money?"

"Tut-tut Parkinson, patience," Yaxley chuckled, "We'll raise the price. Twenty-five galleons if you get her to kiss you."

He folded his arms annoyed, "I don't like toying around with someone's feelings like this."

"Aw does someone actually like Seong?"

"She's a beautiful, fierce, amazing girl." His gut is screaming that this was wrong, but he simply could not say no to money. His father had gambling issues, so grabbing whatever money he had was essential, even though they were a filthy rich family. "And if she doesn't?"He chortled, "Do I still get the fifteen?"


His lips stretched into a thin line thinking, he hardly knew this girl, what's the point? Losing fifteen galleons because he was afraid to play with her feelings seemed stupid.

"Fine. But after this no more."

The four boys laughed as if its the funniest thing they've heard, "Oh you will want more Parkinson, trust me." Avery said coyly, they continued laughing as they left the room.

What the fuck did he just get himself into?

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗡 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now