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HOGSMEADE IS PROBABLY NARCISSA'S favourite place. It was the exact definition of magical, she loved going there with her friends. However, Lucius was some silly perfect duties, Briare had her stupid date, Regulus had detention because of a prank he got dragged into by his brother (The Marauders managed not to get caught so no detention for them!!). So she was stuck with Florence, not that she is complaining.

"Look there they are!" Florence exclaimed grabbing her arm and pulling her behind a building. 

"Remind me why we are stalking them? Why can't we just do something together?" She groaned as the two watched from their hiding spot, their friend was walking close to Alexander, and inside Three Broomsticks Inn.

"Because I think something odd is up." Her friend whispered back, she looked at her confused face before gesturing her head towards a group of boys.

Avery, Yaxley, Lestrange, Snape, Rosier, and Greyback all watched and talked quietly amongst themselves, snickering when the couple walked past them.

"They keep following Parkinson," Florence told her, she grabbed her hand and dragged her out of their hiding spot before ducking behind another building. They could now see their friend sitting down, Alexander opposite of her, ordering something.

"I absolutely love these  new pranks!" A very familiar voice exclaimed opening the door where they were hiding, it whacked her hard on the arm causing her to yelp. A pair of grey eyes looked at them, a raven-haired boy popped his head out from behind of him.

"Dude you are a bad brother and cousin."

"No I am not,  you are."

"At least I don't go around hitting people with doors."

" Well, at least Evans likes me and not you."

Potter gasped starting a heated argument between the two boys before the Moony guy cleared his throat. "You both are equally bad."

"No." Potter disagreed

"For starters, if you were a nice guy Lily would've said yes to a date years ago," Moony said ignoring the gasping sounds coming from  Potter. 


Oh, his name is Remus.


"Are you and your girlfriend alright Narcissa?" Sirius asked while glancing at Remus out of the corner of his eyes, he nodded satisfied.

"Yes, the girlfriend is alright."  Florence told him, "But if you'd like  to talk to us leave  the building and close the door because we're stuck." 

The four boys hopped out of the building, each holding a bag of items they just bought. 

"Why are you two acting sneaky?"  Pettigrew asks, Sirius placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"It's their jobs, they're Slytherins, sneaky Slytherins."

Narcissa glared at her cousin, "Bet you felt very powerful when making that alliteration." 


"We're spying on Briare," Florence answered the original question.

"Doesn't she want some privacy?" Remus questioned, the girl waved a hand in dismissal.

"She has a date with Parkinson."

That seemed to peak interest in Sirius, "Parkinson you say? He's a funny little guy, friends with a Gryffindor. Slytherins are never friends with Gryffindors."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Florence said, before pointing at the group of Slytherins that had entered Three Broomsticks. "It's suspicious, Avery and his sheep keep following them." 

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