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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lucius exclaimed, who usually spoke  in a formal manner swore, which was a surprise. Florence and Narcissa jumped apart, attempting to put distance between one another on the bed.

"Did you see that as well or am I losing my mind?" 

Asteria who looked unsuprised lent against the door frame, Briare pressed her lips together and nodded (After all they do know everything) "Saw it."

"Why do you sound so unbothered by what just happened?" 

"Why? Are you bothered by it?" Florence challenged looking up from the floor, her eyes glinted dangerously.

Narcissa felt so ashamed, she hated doing things that she had to go behind the people she cared about. It made her feel so dirty so she kept her mouth shut as she fiddled with her hands that rest on her lap. 

"I was aware what you were Florence, but you, Narcissa? Now that is a surprise epecially you know with Druella." Lucius said amused. "Why couldn't have shared whatever this is with us?" 

"Uhm... we already knew?" Asteria said awkardly. "We just barely acknowledged it." 

"How  do they get to know and not me? I've been your friend for longer then they have." He sneered, absolutely enraged.

"I am known  as Hogwarts relationship therapist and I am known for helping same sex-couples.  I mean like I've helped like more then half of them being comfortable with their feelings for one another, you have  no idea how hard it is for them to feel accepted by society."  Asteria interrupted.

"I found out at the Christmas party last holidays. I thought it was so obvious, I mean you were there with me Lucius." Briare added as she blew a lock of hot pink hair out of her face. 

"It's been going on since  Christmas?!" 

"Besides Lucy, I thought you already knew about us." Narcissa said suddenly, she felt guilty about unintentionally excluding Lucius, who was often left out due to him being the only male in the group. 

"Now where did you think that?" He asked, red tinting his face from anger.

"You've always made jokes." 

"Jokes that never actually held any value." 

"Well now you know. We would appreciate if you would not mention this  to anyone at all." Florence interrupting, "How are you even here? Boys aren't allowed in the girls dormitories." 

Lucius ignored the girl and faced his future fiance, loose platinum blond strands from his  ponytail framed his face. 

"I agreed to marry you Narcissa, I sacrificed the possibility of meeting someone I truly love, and I was fine with it because we were the best of friends and I thought it would stay like that forever." Lucius said, his voice steady and calm, yet it held so much emotion. "Friends that would tell each other anything but obviously I was mistakened." 

As he turned to leave, Narcissa stood up suddenly grabbing his wrist. The boy whipped around to face her, his blue eyes were cold and shiny. Waiting for her to speak.  "I'm so sorry." 

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗡 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now