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1977 DID NOT FEEL real. When Narcissa graduated the wedding plans were already made. (She would get married at some grand church of her mother's choice. The over-involvement of her mother with her wedding was crazy, you would've thought it was Druella  getting married and not Narcissa)

Her wedding to be honest was the last of her worries. Every day Briare, Florence, Astoria and her would hang out at some muggle cafe near the edge of  London. It was an escape from the war which was what people could only talk about lately. All Narcissa heard was about how great the Dark Lord was and how it was their duty to join the Death Eaters as the younger generation. They were only nineteen, she should be talking about her career not bragging about torturing muggles.

Bellatrix had gone crazy. After Andromeda had abandoned them to marry some stupid muggle man, her hatred for muggles increased. Apparently, Andromeda recently had a child whom Narcissa really wants to meet but of course, can't. 

Then there was Lucius who had joined the  Death Eaters directly after graduation. His parents had been pressuring him for years to join, saying that the Dark Lord was a great hope for them. The Malfoys were already quite high in the ranks and according to them,  Lucius has to do better than Abraxas already had as he is now an old man and needs someone to replace him.

Lucius and Narcissa's wedding guests were all Death Eaters with even the Dark Lord showing up to congratulate them. ("The Dark Lord is appreciating me.  Otherwise, why would he show up at  my wedding?" Lucius said fixing his tie) To be honest, Narcissa was not very happy with it, but all the families the  Malfoys approved of were Death Eaters so there was no other choice. Although she was tempted to invite Sirius for jokes but decided against it, however, she did get a quite nice gift from him. 

Florence has been prepared for years for the fact that they could never be publicly out together and that she had to marry her best friend. She bought a  small apartment nearby to the Malfoy manor with a floo so Narcissa could visit a lot, she was probably there more than she was at her own place.

Dragon pox also had started going around again, Sirus had written to her that Potter's parents had passed from it. A week after that letter, she discovered that Lucius's parents had also passed away and left all their inheritance to him. This was great according to him because Florence now could live with them.

When she had proposed the idea to her, Florence rejected it, saying she didn't want to live there. Which was fair enough so she asked if she could move into her house.  Lucius was okay with it as Florence and her were in love so there was no point keeping them separate.  He promised to tell Narcissa's family that she was staying with him the whole time. It wasn't like they weren't going to see each other every day. Everyone dropped by their house and their outings were still a common thing. 

But slowly Lucius stopped visiting as much, saying that not only was his job in the Ministry very important and time-consuming, but so were his constant efforts to stay appealing to the Dark Lord. 

Then Astoria and her boyfriend who she had introduced to them at the end of their schooling year decided to move back to America. Naturally, Narcissa threw them a farewell ball at the Malfoy manor. (Much to her mother's dismay, she never liked  Astoria that much)

Briare Seong became Briare Parkinson's soon after. The Parkinsons became busy with their own work and would sometimes hang out with Narcissa and Florence.

Life became very slow at the start of 1978, but Narcissa didn't mind it.  She quite enjoyed the days waking up next to Florence, her brown curls falling across her face. It had been weeks since she had seen anyone but her, though she was not complaining. Narcissa felt quite safe and at peace when she was with Florence, away from the war, away from the truth and darkness.

But it all changed when she got a letter.

authors note:

I feel like this chapter is so different to how I usually write. I'm just going to give you guys a bunch of stuff to make up for my very long pause in the fanfic.

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