Reboot Wally

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Y/n's pov:

Well... With Reboot here I've settled to help where I could, I spent that day with him trying to figure out if it was a dream come true or a dream period. It was true alright!

Heheh! I was enjoying hearing his sweet personality though apologizing as he preferred just being called Wally... I did show him how I knew of him, explaining how this world may be parallel and a basic recreation to where he is an idea... That said... He definitely found curiosity in the discovery of being "made" and having different versions based around who he replaced.

I was still trying to explain as he asked questions, "So in this world.... I was made.... And different people on the internet are aware of me and make art and videos or even stories based around me because they like me?..."

"I g-guess?.... I found out from a buddy of mine and they found videos and art of ya! I found it so cool!" ,I giggled as I answered.

He nods despite clear confusion, looking flattered, "I think that is really cool, neighbor..! Seems while I'm here there is much to learn of the way things are...."

"Oh- W-well I don't know about everything... I'm sure I'm missing details... And your guess is as good as mine on how the whole alternate realities are planned or made..." ,I rubbed the back of my neck as he chuckles but nods.

"Well aren't you the most?... Thank you for informing me, neighbor.... I'm glad I got to meet you during these odd circumstances..." ,He had such a sweet and mellow smile that melted my heart.

The poor thing, I chucked softly, "I can always make some coffee? I don't mind- But I don't know how we'll get you back...."

Wally's pov:

Well... Things have gotten a lot more fascinating here.... Y/n as I learned their name was... Had brought to my attention HOW they knew of me... They figured it would help... And where it does... It also leaves a lot of questions...

Y/n offered to get me a drink or beverage as I try to process things and I nodded calmly, "Yes... Please... If you would... Coffee is fine"

They nodded to my request... When they left to get what I wanted, I went back to seeing the videos or websites from my "creation" in this world... Some of the videos I must admit were... Odd... Or even humorous- But to see me and my friends lives so closely mimicked was still leaving me in awe and curiosity...

There were a few that had other universes interacting with my own... Or even ones where there was both me and "original"... I wasn't too interested in the ones with HIM of all people... But it was definitely fun to watch the little scenarios people made... But some showed me becoming like original... Like that would ever happen-

I did trust this neighbor a bit though... I think on it and how this new person would be great to bring to my neighborhood... I mean.... They were so sweet... And knew so much... Perhaps when I leave and get back to normal they can come with me..! That sounds like a nice plan... Hopefully they don't mind... Maybe they can even bring some of their friends to join us... For now I'll just try to enjoy their company and get to know them though... Such a sweet neighbor... Hopefully these videos are some fiction... Wonder why they blame home?...

Tiny Wallys X Reader (individual storyline so kinda continued oneshots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن