Grayscale Wally

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Y/N's pov:

Well... With Grayscale here I've settled to help where I could, I spent that day with him trying to figure out if it was a dream come true or a dream period. It was true alright!

The little thing seemed worried half to death of if I would be mad of his color taking curse.... But I knew it wasn't permanent... I did show him how I knew of him, explaining how this world may be parallel and a basic recreation to where he is an idea... That said... He definitely found curiosity in the discovery of being "made" and being different version another version of himself before his curse.

I was still trying to explain as he asked questions, "So in this world.... I-I was made.... And different people on the internet are aware of me and make art and videos or even stories based around me because they... Like me?..."

"I g-guess?.... I found out from a buddy of mine and they found videos and art of ya! I found it so sweet... I figured there had to be a way to help...!" ,I giggled as I answered.

He nods despite clear confusion, "I think that is really kind of you, neighbor... Seems while I'm here there is much to learn.... D-do... Do you think you can... Help me?...."

I smiled softly, "I'll try if I can... Nobody deserves to be colorless forever!"

"Well aren't you the most?... Thank you for informing me, neighbor.... I'm glad I got someone so kind to talk to..!" ,He had such a sweet and shy smile that melted my heart.

The poor thing... I chucked softly, "I can always make some coffee? I don't mind- But I don't know how we'll get you back...."

Wally's pov:

I couldn't believe it... So many people in this world... A-and... They actually hope to help?... W-well... I m-may be bite sized... But if that's the price to be free from my curse and I make a new friend along the way that won't abandon me?.... Sounds like a fair trade..!

They chuckled softly, giving a small smile, "I can always make some coffee? I don't mind- But I don't know how we'll get you back...."

I shrugged, "I-I'm ok... But thank you..."

They nod, "I'll be back... imma get a drink but feel free to get yourself comfortable..! I'm sure we can help you get home somehow..!"

I smiled at that.... For the first time in what feels like forever.... A small ounce of joy is back in my hold... I nodded as they went to get their drink.... I got a feeling that maybe my curse can be fixed here... Maybe being small in the care of Y/n as I learned of their name... Maybe they can help things start looking up in the world?....

Tiny Wallys X Reader (individual storyline so kinda continued oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now