Priest Wally

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Y/n's pov:

Well... With the small priest here I've settled to help where I could, I spent that day with him trying to figure out if it was a dream come true or a dream period. It was true alright!

I was well aware he could be manipulative... But I did show him how I knew of him, explaining how this world may be parallel and a basic recreation to where he is an idea... That said... He definitely found curiosity in the discovery of being "made" and being different version of a character shareing the same name as himself.

I was still trying to explain as he asked questions, "So in this world.... I was made.... And it wasn'tby Home... But rather somebody who made me be... Unholy... And then eomeone else took over to c-change it...? B-but Lord Home is real! How is he not in this world...?"

"I g-guess?.... I found out from a buddy of mine and they found videos and art of ya! I found it so cool! I know home is your lord but... He can't hurt you here" ,I smiled sympathetically as I answered to the best of my abilities.

He nods despite clear confusion and i was nervous as little tears filled his eyes, "I... I can'tgo back to t-the church if I accept your words! It c-can't be! He must just be testing my l-loyalty..."

"Oh- W-well I don't know if that is so... And your guess is as good as mine... But I won't change your mind even if I disagree on you worshiping Home..." ,I rubbed the back of my neck as he seemed hesitant but nods.

"Well isn't this a challenge?... Thank you for informing me, neighbor.... I'm... I-I'm glad I got to meet you at the least... Despite the... Misunderstanding?" ,He had such a nervous and paranoid expression, but I was sure I'd at least help him.

The poor thing, I chucked softly, "I can always make something to drink? Perhaps tea? I don't mind- But I don't know how we'll get you back...."

Wally's pov:

Well... Things have gotten a lot more... Complicated here.... Y/n as I learned their name was... Had brought to my attention HOW they knew of me... They figured it would help... And where it helps explain how they knew me... It also leaves a lot of questions on what happened that got me here...

Y/n offered to get me a drink or beverage as I try to process things and I nodded hesitantly, "Yes... Please... If you would..."

They nodded to my request... When they left to get what I wanted, I went back to seeing the videos or websites from my "creation" in this world... Some of the videos I must admit were... Odd... Or even humorous- But to see me and my followers.... Even Home... Perfectly replicated and our lives copies for amusement.... I was in utter shock still...

M-maybe there's more to this human than I assumed?... I think on it and how this new person may help in my world... I mean.... They were so sweet... And knew so much... Perhaps when I leave and get back to normal they can come with me..! What if they aren't human?... What if this is another celestial being like Home! Maybe they can be less.... Strict.... Of a God... What can I lose in this?... If home abandoned me here.... How can I persuade others to worship him if I'm too small to put force behind it?.... But he at least left me with an angel it seems...

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