Butcher Wally

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Y/n's pov:

Well... With Butcher here I've settled to take caution where I could, I spent that day with him trying to figure out if I was just dreaming or if he was really here period. It was true alright!

I was wouldn't lie, he was adorable... That said though, he was still a killer and a cannibal... I settled to pick him up and explain how I knew of him saying he may be here a while anyways...

I noticed something when holding him... much like how original ragdolls when hugged or held, butcher seemed to freeze, likely not used to or puzzled by the gentle attention... I giggled a bit and opened my laptop. I explain to the best of my abilities how this world may be parallel and a basic recreation to where he is an idea... That said... He definitely found curiosity in the discovery of being "made" based around an entirely different version of himself.

At discovering more of his online counterpart I noticed he seemed just as disgusted at the discovery of his original creator, "How revolting... Why the hell would it be that way!? That's a waste of damn meat! Tainting batches.... I get the whole taste testing... But not that far!"

I was relieved to hear he disagreed with the... Unruly behavior... He was confused and curious on other things, including him wearing a dress or other silly odds and ins they put for scenarios... He was like... An emotionally confused child... That grew up into a cannibalistic psyco-

Wally's pov:

Well... Things have gotten a lot more confusing here.... Y/n as I learned their name was... Had brought to my attention HOW they knew of me... They figured it would help... I don't really like learning that some people in this realm may see me as some... Pervert... The thought alone is revolting...

I was still being held though... I could bite off their fingers from this angle... But being held... I didn't think someone would... Hold... Me... I found it... Comforting... If that's the word?...

I still wanted to use them for meat but.... I guess this is... Comfortable... We continue to talk on about how they discovered me and that they found my back story and updates as something fascinating or alluring to them. I felt... Comfortable... I would still have to leave... My shop can't be closed forever.... But perhaps I can... Enjoy... My stay here...

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