Priest Wally

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Y/N's pov:

I sat up in my bed, the small Wally stumbling down slightly, "Y-you're Priest Wally!"

They looked to me puzzled, "C-careful- But.... Yes.... You know me?... Are you perhaps a follower of Home?..."

I rubbed the back of my neck, "I'm not but... I am a fan of yours I suppose..."

I chuckled shyly, this was like a dream! My favorite Wally... I'm so happy!

Wally's pov:

A fan of mine? How interesting... I decided to take advantage of this curious scenario that I seem to have been put into. I took it back on myself to make this opertunity beneficial... I mean as a follower of my lord, Home... Why shouldn't I get him a new follower... And this human... They appeared so sweet... If I'm stuck here anyways, I may as well enjoy it...

I'm sure Home would understand it is to get close with them for easier conversion! It is to get used to this place and earn their trust... And it won't be easy trying to return to the church in the state I'm in.... Perhaps this is a punishment from Home? Making me small?... Perhaps I will earn his forgiveness by converting this person... Well I accept the challenge! But... I'm curious where this takes me...

Tiny Wallys X Reader (individual storyline so kinda continued oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now