Chapter 155: The Wrath of The Deity

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She had tried to get closer and see what it was, but before she could, a bolt of lightning had shot out and nearly struck her.

Years of training and battles was what saved her, as she had dodged at the very last second.

Dexter had then reported back to us about what happened, saying she wasn't sure what it was, but she didn't like it.

"Maybe it was Naeus," Lyria had suggested. "He shoots lightning, right? Maybe he's back!"

Phillip, who was the second-in-command for Lyria's ship, had shook his head. "Herobrine and Razer both have Fulminokinesis."

"It didn't seem like Naeus' power though," Dexter had told them. "Or Herobrine or his son's either. The energy seemed completely different... I didn't even recognize it."

"So, there's a new threat," I had noted, nodding. "Well, that's nothing new."

"A new threat?" Maya asked, frowning. "Again?"

I shrugged. "Well, when you're one of the last remaining civilizations, you're likely to be targetted."

Maya nodded, remembering when her village had been seized.

"I hope Elite will be okay," she said, mostly to herself.

Elite was one of the soldiers who was fighting for the Terrayite Kingdom. He was also Maya's boyfriend.

I hoped he made it past the war, especially for Maya's sake. As much as I was aware that war spared nobody, I always hated to see someone lose somebody they loved.

Flint had lost his younger brother Malcolm during the final battle against Herobrine (before he became our ally).

Flint still hasn't recovered from the loss, and I don't think he ever will.

"Sorry," Maya said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm just worried."

"Hey, Elite is a great warrior," I said. "He's that guy who would survive a war, but if he does die, just know that he'll die for the people, he'll die for you because he loves you and wants you to have a future where you can live without the fear of losing your home every day."

I said it like that because I didn't want to say that Elite would live for sure, because I didn't know if he would. I wanted to give Maya belief that her boyfriend would make it, but I didn't want to blind her from the possibility that he wouldn't.

Maya nodded, understanding what I was getting at.

Silence settled upon us as we finished our drinks, both of us deep in thought.

"Hey, Azura?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, Maya?" 

Maya looked at me. "If there's ever a time where we're in battle, if we ever get attacked..." she paused, before continuing. "Just know that I'll fight right by your side."

I smiled. "Thank you," I said.

Someone from the Netherbane Cavern called Maya over.

"See you later," Maya said, getting up to leave.

"Bye Maya," I replied.

I sat alone for some time with Allistair, who was whining that he wanted to be put down.

Yeah, like I was going to let go of a kid in a bar. 

I'm not Daryll.

"Hey Azura!" A high pitched voice came.

I looked over to see Riko, followed by Hannah, smiling at me.

"Hey Riko," I said. "Hey Hannah."

"Mind if we sit by you?" Riko asked.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 31 ⏰

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