Chapter 121: Egg

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Kyle's POV


Why did I decide to torture myself and agree to come with Alex and Sheila?

Those two were  so mushy with each other... in their own way.

Nothing like being the third wheel again...

I hope Razer and Meeps are having a great time wherever they are.

Oh and Moon and Ember, I suppose...

In all fairness, Alex has improved a lot since his criminal days as Liam. And maybe, I could forgive him... but when I look into the flash of anger that sometimes appears in Razer's eyes... I get angry again.

Maybe I'm not being fair.

"So where are we going?" I asked. 

"To check out this mysterious cave," Sheila told me, looking smug.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh look! A cave!" I snarked. "How amazing! I haven't seen a cave since... yesterday!"

"No, there's something in there!" Sheila told me.

What? Your common sense?

I followed them deeper into the cave, wondering what kind of fresh hell awaited me this time.

Finally, after what felt like hours, we finally reached the bottom of the cave and I took out a Soul Torch.

"That doesn't give off enough light," Sheila told me.

"Shut up, it's the lighting we use in the Underworld," I snapped. And that was true, once we got them at least. Abigail had kindly given us some soul torches and soul lanterns and soul... you get the point.

But before, the Underworld was just... really dark, making it almost impossible to see.

At least we got enough light where the spirits can't get pissed off because it's too bright, but bright enough that we can see where we were going.

Well, at least Andrew and I can see better. Meeps and Razer both have excellent night vision.

"Kyle..." Alex said.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine,"

I put away the soul torch and took out a normal torch.

There, in front of us... was an egg. It was whitish-gray with pale blue spots.

"What is it?" Sheila asked.

"It's an egg," I told her. "A dragon's egg."

"An egg?" Alex repeated. "Now I'm hungry."

"Alex no," I said. "Bad Alex."

"We  should move it," Sheila said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Maybe it needs to hatch in... deep in a cave."

Sheila snorted. "Oh shut up... it's probably very close to hatching," she told me, as she picked the egg up.

I'm concerned for her future children, I thought with a sigh of defeat. She grounds her new little sister for helping someone and then she decides to move an egg out of it's local habitat?

"I wonder what kind of dragon it'll be," Sheila said.

"If it doesn't hatch... can we turn it into an omelet?" Alex asked.

It probably won't hatch, I thought. Not if it can't hatch in it's own natural territory.

I looked at the back of the cave that was slowly being swallowed up in fog, before looking at the dragon egg.

I sighed. Where was Meeps when you need her?

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora