Chapter 47: A Traitor Gone

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Ember's POV

I hope they're okay.

Where are they?

That's what I've been wondering for a while.

When I decided to do this, I wasn't expecting the young ones to run off.

"Idiots," I said to myself just as a portal opened up.

"X?" I asked, as he jumped out of the portal and shoved me.

Then Bryce and Anna came out. Anna fell down, catching her breath but Bryce kept chasing X.

He looks mad.

Wait, where's Kat?

I turned to look at Anna and opened my mouth to ask her.

"She's dead," Anna replied.

I turned to stare at X, who stared right back at me.


Oh my god.

He killed her, didn't he?

That bastard!

I pulled out Flamix and charged at Xephryes, before swinging my sword.

X jumped out of the way, before punching me into a wall.

I opened my eyes and felt my head.

Shit, I thought, when I saw that the back of my head was bleeding.

Where's X?

I looked around to see that Xephryes had been lured to a lava pit.

Xephryes threw an iron sword and threw it, but Bryce dodged it.

Bryce shoved Xephryes and we watched as he fell into the lava.

There was a scream and then silence.

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now