Chapter 72: Forgiveness

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Rain's POV

How did I end up here?

The sweltering heat was the first that hit me.

I was in the badlands, that's for sure.

I wiped a bead of sweat from my face and looked around.

Nothing was out of the ordinary, which was even more startling. I mean, there had to be a reason to why I ended up here.

Then in the distance, I saw someone walking up to me.


Or at least... he looked like Ember, but even more sinister.

Was he the reason why I was here?

I pulled out a diamond sword, and got ready to fight the smirking Ember.

Than all of a sudden, Ember flinched, reverting to his normal self for a moment.

That's not Ember...

This is Pyro.

But why would?!

Then, Moonlark's words hit me like a brick.

Someone you once called a friend will be your worst enemy.

She meant Ember... someone who I no longer considered a friend, and therefore got taken over.

Why didn't I see this beforehand?

Moonlark is right... I'm no better than Ember.

As he flickered from Ember back to Pyro, I saw him desperately reach his hand out in fear.

He grabbed his head before Pyro took over and pulled out a black axe, before charging at me.

I swiftly threw my diamond sword at him before pulling out the Ender Great Sword and crushing him.

However, Pyro wasn't somebody to fall that easily.

He simply got back up and grabbed my arm, throwing me to the ground, before stabbing me repeatedly.

Then he set me on fire, and gosh DAMIT! Stop setting me on fire people!

Oh, I see.

I closed my eyes, before reopening them to reveal my Ender eye.

Ember, I'm sorry.

Then I punched him right in the chest.

I heard him scream in pain, and knew that I had broken one of his ribs.

But I couldn't care, not at that moment.

Pyro retaliated, trying to punch me with his flaming fist, but now I overpowered him.

I blocked his punch, before throwing him up into the sky.

As he was falling, Pyro threw a couple fireballs at me, which I deflected with the Ender Great Sword.

Then with a forcible swing, I smashed Pyro.

When the dust cleared, I saw Pyro retreating, with Ember getting back up.

Giving him a small smile, I reached out my hand.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I've been kind of an asshole lately."

"Yeah," he replied. "But I can't say that I haven't been a complete dick."

The two of us laughed, before I patted him on the back.

"Come on Ember," I said. "Let's go home."

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now