Chapter 106: The First Meeting

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Moon's POV

"Woohoo! Yeah! All ten of us are back here again! Together! Yeah woo!" My boyfriend cheered, pumping his fist into the air.

Rain shoved the smaller man. "Cut it out man," he said, but even I could see the stoic man grinning. "We're supposed to focus here."

Andrew was chatting with his younger sister, Meeps, trying to comb his messy red hair.

I always wondered how Andrew created Meeps, sure I was told some parts, but I doubt it was one hundred percent true if he made her when he was only about five years old at the time.

"His 21st birthday is coming up," Alex whispered to me. "I'm buying him a six pack of beer."

I gave him a disgusted look. "You want him to go in battle while he's drunk?"

Alex quickly shook his head and turned away, pretending to be fascinated with the ceiling. 

I glanced over at Razer and shivered. He was smiling, but it was a new smile, the kind I didn't like

I'm fine, everything is fine. This smile seemed to say. Bad things won't happen to any of us.

Stella shot me a concerned look, sensing my unease.

"I'm fine," I whispered. "I just had a thought that's all."

The blind Netherkin nodded with the concerned expression on her face.

"Razer," she said. "I, uh... I have a question for you."

The younger man looked up. "Y-yes?" He stammered.

"Daryll and Dexter... are they?"

"Alive," Razer said. "They are yet to journey to the Underworld."

Stella and Rain let out a sigh of relief.

I was relieved as well, even though Daryll could be something, he was a great friend and I actually missed hearing him scream "PAZURA!" every time Azura and Patrick had a moment together.

Ember does it at well, but his obsession of yelling random ship names was declined as fast as Alex's grades did in middle school. 

"Ahem!" Ember cleared his throat, trying to get everyone to listen.

A few looked up, but most of us were simply oblivious of the fact that Ember wanted us to start.

Ember cleared his throat again, but still barely anybody paid attention here.

Ember took out a gavel and banged it against the table with rapid succession causing everybody to pay attention. "The court is now in session," he announced.

"Ember," Sheila said. "This is a meeting, not a trial case. Nobody is going to jail."

Ember rolled his eyes and put the gavel away.

Wait, when did he get a gavel?

Ember noticed my confused look and shrugged. "Andrew showed me something called Amazon," he explained. "It has two day free shipping."

"It ships people for free?" Stella asked.

"Uh..." Andrew said. "No."


Ember clapped his hands together. "Okay!" He said. "So, I know the ten of us makes a very badass team, but I was wondering if we could invite some of our allies here?"

"You mean Damian?" Kyle asked.

"Unless you don't want him here," Ember said.

Nobody protested, which Ember took as a yes, as he gestured to the door.

Some of our allies entered into the room. I recognized Nina and Jun, one of Ember's companions. I knew they'd be here after they swore loyalty to him.

Karin was also there, and she bounced into the room saying "HI HI HI!"

I can confirm that Kyle was not pleased.

"Shizu?" Sheila asked, and I turned to see her adopted younger sister.

"I drew a map," Shizuku said, taking a map out and rolling it out, revealing a very very detailed map. 

"But-" Sheila protested.

"I want to help," her younger sister told her. "Please?"

Sheila nodded. "But you're not going into the front lines of battle," she said.

Shizuku nodded. "I can fight," she said. "In the back!" 

Sheila sighed. "Alright fine," she said, reluctantly giving in.

"Hey," Damian said. "I know you only really requested for me to come, but is Hannah allowed in as well?"

All of us exchanged looks. "Sure," I said. "The more the merrier!"

Damian grinned and held the door open for Hannah to walk in. Then the two of them held hands and a blushed adorned their cheeks.

"Oooh!" Ember said, grinning as well, while Damian's younger sister Karin squealed with delight.

Damian and Hannah are a couple? I thought.

"Abigail and Kirtanta couldn't make it," Damian told us. "But they wished us good luck and told us not to strangle each other."

"What? We would never!" Alex protested.

Everyone laughed.

"We should attack the Overseer first," Sheila. "We'll wipe him out like boom!"

"It's not that easy," Razer protested. "Besides he wants us to play offense so he can attack the Terrayite Kingdom. We need to raise our defenses."

"Hey! I'm the princess here!" Sheila protested. "Besides? Why are you worried? You're dead!"

Razer narrowed his eyes. "You might be princess here," he warned. "But beware, for I am the Prince of the Undead now."

"If we're talking about royalty," Rain said. "Then Stella is the Ender Queen and I'm going to be her king one day."

"Ex King Andrew," Andrew said, bowing. "I would've been king if our kingdom didn't die in a fire."


Meeps patted the man on the back as he stared off into space.

"I say defense for the time being," Stella said, shooting Sheila an apologetic look.

"Agreed," Jun and Nina exclaimed.

Everyone was talking to each other, but the majority agreed that defense was the best choice.

"Okay," Sheila said. "We'll play defense."

"Alright," Rain said. "We'll need to get both the Frostbourne and the Terrayite soldiers ready to defend this kingdom. We will not fall like-"

"OOH! A BUTTERFLY!" Karin squealed.

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon