Chapter 50: You Are The Worst

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Moon's POV

When Andrew and Azura returned, we got the news that Xephryes had wiped out most of the Young Dreamers Nation.

Lady Azura had left to tell Patrick about this while Andrew began to explain everything that happened.

I was shocked about this news and asked desperately if Ember was okay.

"He is," Andrew promised. "But Riko is in a coma, and three of their members, including Kat, has been killed."

"K-Kat?" I whispered, remembering the innocent ten year old, who once said some of the wisest words to me.

"So, they're currently weakened?" Rain asked. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

"What?" Sheila asked.

"We should attack them while they're weak!" Rain said. "That would ensure our victory!"

I was completely and utterly horrified that Rain would say that. 

And surprisingly, I wasn't the only one.

"You idiot!" Sheila screamed. "That's just wrong!"

Rain looked surprised, and I couldn't blame him. Sheila was probably one of the members of my friend group who were eager to go into battle. 

"They're mourning for their lost ones!" Sheila snapped at him. "And Kat was like a little sister to all of them! I can't believe that you'd want to hurt them after they lost her! If Shizuku got killed, I-I'd be-"

Sheila stopped, shaking for breath.

Alex walked up to her and hugged her tightly, and for once, she didn't push him away like he wasn't her boyfriend.

What did she mean when she said 'if Shizuku got killed?' I wondered.

I figured that I could ask her later.

There was silence before Rain slammed his fists on the table and stood up.

"Who cares if she was like a little sister to them?" He asked. "Sibling bonds... they don't mean anything! They're just a useless item that serves no purpose! Who even cared about little siblings! You're really pathetically weak to care about something so trivial!"

We all gaped at him with shock before Rain turned around to leave.

He wasn't even close to the door when somebody grabbed his hand.

It was Andrew, and before any of us could do anything, Andrew slapped Rain in the face.

Rain gasped and held his hand over the red mark on his cheek as he stared at the slightly older but smaller man in front of him.

"I can't believe you just said that!" Andrew yelled.

And I knew at that moment, that Rain's comment had offended Andrew the most out of us all which was why he slapped the former.

And rightfully so, Andrew had a little sister too, Meeps.

And she's gone too.

Andrew has every right to be angry.

"I thought you were honorable!" Andrew told Rain. "I thought that you were someone who would help others. But I guess I was wrong, you have no honor at all. You are the worst person I have ever met."

Andrew will stay at the Frostbourne to spy, he isn't leaving.

The Young Dreamers Nation will get two new members


They're friends of Ember

They are not a part of the Keyblade Heroes

What do you think that Sheila means?

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora