Chapter 126: The Consequences of Disappearing

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Damian's POV

This is stupid.

Like that statement hasn't been used enough.

Ember and his friends have disappeared.

Do I miss them? 

Depends on who we're talking about.

I missed Ember most of all, he was the first to give me that second chance that I never deserved.

I punched myself. Now wasn't the time for self pity.

I stared at the window, picking up a rock.

Before, I wouldn't have done this, but since Meeps wasn't here, I couldn't see the harm of doing it.

I threw the rock, smashing the window.

The interesting thing was that ever since Kyle had smashed the window, Meeps never fully recovered. She can handle explosions and the screams of tortured victims, but the sound of a window shattering can cause her to have a mental breakdown.

"Damian?" Someone said and I groaned. 


"Can we come in?" He asked and I recognized him as Jun, which I should've noticed right away due to his Australian accent."

"Fine..." I said, opening the door to let Jun in.

"Nina is here as well," he said, nodding to the small girl.

"Hi," she said in her distinguishable light and airy voice. "Your window is broken."

"It's not what it looks like," I said. "I threw a rock!"

"Yeah," Jun said. "You knocked out Ser Patrick."

I grinned. 

I liked Jun and Nina, the two foreign characters had a connection with Ember just like I do.

I wonder if they ever missed home.

"I heard that the undead is unstable right now," Jun whispered to me.

 "Really?" I asked. "Then what..."

And then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bunch of zombies break into the room.

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now