Chapter 100: Let Everything Go

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Razer's POV

We have witnessed the tales of new friends, betrayal, pain, suffering and death.

We have watched tyrants fall, alliances form, moments of peace, endless wars.

And now I know what I must do.

And it pains me to do so, but it must happen.

"You're kidding me," Meeps whispered.

I nodded, my hands shaking and my voice quivering. "This is what I want to do," I said. "For our friends."

"No!" Kyle screamed. "Do you even know what you're saying?! We can't! No! Stop your fucking bullshit now!"

Andrew and Meeps glanced fearful looks as Kyle broke down sobbing.

"Razer..." Andrew said. "Are you sure?"

"What we have been doing," I said. "Was selfish of us. It has put the lives of the Overworld for too long."

"If you were to do this... you know what would happen." Andrew warned me.

"I am aware of it," I said. "Which is exactly why I want to do it."

The three of my closest friends stared at me. "We will help them until this ultimate war has ended," I said, closing my eyes. 

I took a breath and reopened my eyes. "And then it'll be time."

"But our friends!" Kyle cried. "We can't just! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS! THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!"

For a moment, I thought I would have to escort Kyle out of the room, but before I could, Meeps embraced the older boy.

"Kyle!" She said, her eyes shining with tears. "I don't want to either! None of us really want to! But think about it, Kyle! Think about how their futures as well! We can't destroy those futures!" She hugged him even tighter. "I know it hurts! I love them too! But my memories of all of us! The time we spent together, even if we didn't get along at first... I'll still cherish them! Every single moment of them! Death can take my life, my friends, my homes and my families... but it'll never take my memories! It'll never take any of our memories!"

She broke away from Kyle and stared at us with a very determined look. "My name is Meeps, member of the Undead Council, and I of approve this proclamation!"

Andrew stood up next. "My name is Andrew Jones," he said. "Current member of the Undead Council, and I also approve of this proclamation."

"My name is Razer," I said. "Formerly known as Caleb Foster. I am the leader of the Undead Council and I approve of this proclamation because sometimes we must let everything go to achieve what we always strive for."

We turned to look at Kyle, who, after a moment or two, stood up. "My name is Kyle Alderson," he said. "Member of the Undead Council and former servant of the Overseer." He looked at each and every one of us for a few moments. "I approve of this proclamation."

We all nodded, finally coming to terms of our plan.

"When do we tell them?" Andrew asked.

"Tomorrow," I said. "We'll tell them tomorrow."

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя