Chapter 80: A Burning Savior

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Ember's POV

I sobbed, holding the hand of my deceased sister, hoping that by some miracle, she was still alive.

She wasn't though.

She's gone.

I let go of her hand and walked away.

I went back to my house and grabbed Flamix, putting it on my back.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, who I was going to lose next.

Something caught my eye and I looked over.

A Netherrite sword.

I grabbed it, remembering how I had this sword since I was four years old.

Most would say that it was nothing special. It wasn't cool looking and it sure didn't have any powers.

But it was.

To me.

And that was all that mattered.

{Sixteen years ago}

"Ember! Be careful out there!"

"Okay daddy!" I replied, running as fast as my little legs could carry me.

I quickly ran out of the village and into the forest.

I let out a happy sound as I continued to run around the trees, laughing.

I was so happy! Who knew there was a world beyond the village?


I halted, and looked around. "Hewo?" I called.

Somebody was here.

"Chief?" I called again, wondering who it was.

Than, a human jumped out of the bushes and landed on me. His red and black eyes filled with insanity and horns sticking out of his head. He opened his mouth and I screamed.

His mouth was filled with fangs.

"MOMMY!" I cried.

The demonic human held my small body down as his mouth came closer and closer to my face.

I let out a whimper and closed my eyes.

Something splashed over me, and I opened my eyes.

The demonic human fell down, completely dead, blood pouring out of his chest and onto my shirt.

"Are you okay?" Somebody asked. "Sorry about your shirt."

I looked up to stare at my savior.

She was older than me, but still looked pretty young. Her eyes had the look of someone who had been living out on her own for a couple of years.

"I'm okay," I squeaked. "Thank you."

She smiled. "Glad to hear," she said, pulling out a dark gray sword. "Here, take this." (Author accidentally said 'dark gay sword').

I looked at it. "What is it?" I asked.

"Netherrite," she replied. "It's from the Nether."

I smiled as I took the sword. "Thank you!" I said. "Hey! Do you want to come back to the-"

I stopped, the girl had vanished.

"Where did she go?" I asked, still holding the Netherrite sword.

When I came home, my parents were shocked to see me wielding a sword.

"A girl saved me!" I told them. "And gave me this sword!"

My mom smiled. "Ember," she said. "Does this sword mean a lot to you?"

I nodded.

"Alright," she said. "I'll let you keep it, but you're not allowed to go around using it without supervision until you're older, alright?"

I nodded. "Okay!" I said, jumping up and down.

That night, when I was tucked in bed, I heard somebody whisper to me. (The author accidentally put in 'fucked in bed')

"You're going to change the world, Ember," the voice whispered to me, softly. "And I just want you to know that I'm so proud of you. After all, you're my little hero."

Try to figure out all the callbacks in this chapter from the earlier books.

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now