Chapter 64: Two Sides of The Face

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Ember's POV

Okay! I get it!

I'm either dumb, stupid, an idiot, unintelligent, dull, simple minded, dense, scattered brain, brain-dead, dim, obtuse, vacuous...





I collapsed onto the ground and sighed.

Argh, I hate that I'm like this.

I took out my clock and stared at it. 

It was about noon, and there was nothing to do for the meantime.

I could organize an attack and raid the Terrayite Kingdom, but even after all the cruel things they've done to me, my heart wasn't in it.

Not that I'm any better.

I'm as much as a hypocrite as they are.

But unlike them, I'm a failure.

"Are you okay?" Damian had asked me. "Hannah said you looked upset earlier."

"Yeah," I had lied. "I'm just tired."

I had lied because there was nothing left to say.

No more reasons to tell the truth.


The ground trembled as the sky began to glow.

I closed my eyes, then reopened them as a familiar figure appeared.

"Dark Ember?" I gasped.

"It's Pyro now!" He snapped. "The Author changed my name because Dark Ember sounded too cliche."

"Pyro..." I mused. "As in pyromaniac? I guess that makes sense."

Pyro didn't even answer that question, he just drew out an obsidian double bladed axe.

I snapped out of my stupor and pulled out Flamix.

My evil counterpart didn't even charge at me, he waited for me to do so.

Well, here goes nothing.

And with that thought on my mind, I charged.

Our weapons clashed against each other before Pyro kicked me away.

I landed on my feet and jumped up, only for Pyro to counter my weapon.

A huge dust cloud appeared, and I took advantage of it, running into the  dust so it would be harder for him to see me.

Then, I leapt out and stabbed him,before grabbing his arm and throwing him down.

As Pyro got back up, I charged right at him.

Just as he threw his axe.

It happened so fast.

When I came to, my entire body was aching in pain.

I took a deep breath before struggling back onto my feet.

Pyro noticed this and his eyes turned red and black, as he drew out a staff, and his right arm began to catch on fire.

Just like mine, but his was purple instead of orange.

I see how it is.

My own arm began to burn as well, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before reopening them.

(Author: Ember's eyes when he summons his fire fist turns orange)

Thanks for clarifying that, Moonlark.

He then threw an orb into the air and the sky turned blood red and the ground turned to a purplish-black color.

Pyro levitated into the air, and before I knew it, he shot 4 fireballs at me.

Swiftly, I leapt over the the fireballs.

 Pyro then teleported and threw me away.

Using my sword, I stopped myself from falling before throwing my blade at him.

My evil counterpart blasted Flamix right back at me and I crashed into a large rock.

I got up and charged at him, just as Pyro's staff glowed.

He threw the staff at me, piercing my chest, just as the staff let out an energy beam.

Then darkness.

Nobody's POV

Pyro was walking away, his eyes back to normal.

He had been victorious.

However, instead of his defeated opponent laying on the ground.

There was nobody.

There was no trace of Ember Ayers anywhere.

It was as if, he never existed.

Author's Note

Sorry! This was supposed to be posted earlier, but it got delayed. 

Yesterday, I learned something and it made me sad.

And don't say "sad?! Just sad?! I feel worse than that!"

Because feeling sad, is a lot for me. I've always struggled with my emotions and knowing how I feel. 

I could be excited and I wouldn't know it.

I could be scared and I could never tell.

But the the fact that I could tell that I was sad...

It says a lot.

 Maybe sad isn't enough.

It hurts, it really does.

Am I really just a thing that you guys use as a scapegoat? 

Are we really friends?

I no longer know.

Who can I trust...

There's only a select few who still has my trust.

Actually three people, maybe four, perhaps five, if I'm lucky.

Maybe you didn't do anything, so if I'm more distanced.

Well, I'm sorry, but that's the way things are going to be.

I need to figure out who to trust.

I'm tired of forgiving people, pretending that everything is okay.

So, I'm not going to pretend that everything is okay because I always did that! I always got blamed for everybody's mistakes and everything that they've done. I always took the blame and forgave everyone so easily and look where item got me... just look where it got me! It's gotten me nowhere! I'm even off worse than I was before!

I trusted you, I considered you as a friend! I gave you my trust! And this... this is what I get in response?! What am I?! The scapegoat?! I'm barely your friend. I thought I could finally trust again.

So much for that...

I've been living a lie.

I'm sick of all these lies.

My trust has capsized.

I'm drowning in a sea of pain and emotions.

I'm no longer going to keep silent.

Because that's gotten me nowhere but to Hell and back.

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat