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why does everybody expect of you to have yourself figured out entirely?

to know everything about you-, your personality-, your career choice-, your sexuality-, your likes and dislikes-, your opinions on topics you didn't even think about yet. things that matter to others but you didn't even consider to try. why ?

why do people feel the need to label every aspect of their life, to determine everything specifically, without the chance to change it? why does everything have to be one way and can't be multiple?

i feel the pressure from all around me, caging me in to finally bring clarity- but i can't help myself but to run away from all the questions and hide from all the assumptions. i don't want to live in a world where i should choose without the freedom of growth, development and changes. what a sad world it is, where people give you funny looks when you answer their question with 'i don't know' or 'i don't really care' instead of saying what they want you to say; what they wish for you to say. although it is the truth. i honestly don't know.

i don't know everything about me. I don't know what career path i want to do- if i will stick to what i do now or if it will change someday and i might learn a totally different profession. if i will grow bored of everything and just leave for a year to see the world and what it has to offer.

i don't know my sexuality; nor do i feel the need to label it; or expect others to do so. all i know is that everyone is deserving of love and comfort and freedom to decide for themselves without being forced of an explanation.  just do what feels right without harming others.

i can't picture my life ten years from now, hell- not even next week. but what i know is that i will live it day by day and give my best. even if on some days it might be less than on others. that's okay, too. i don't have to always give a hundred percent, sometimes it gets hard. but as long as i keep going, it's good enough.

and even though the questions will keep on coming, i will try to remind myself that being unapologetically you (even if you haven't figured yourself out fully yet) is still better than following other peoples world views without a doubt.

life isn't a straight line. it's fluid.


Muted Screams III 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon