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somehow when it comes to you, i can never be selfish. i constantly ask myself how you feel and how you're holding up, if you worry about something or if something troubles you and if i could do anything to help you. i always ask myself if it hurts you before i think about what it does to me and if it would possibly hurt me.

i put your feelings above mine without thinking because that's just who i am, but it hurts so damn much not being appreciated or even acknowledged for that matter, because all you do is take it for granted and blame me if i put myself first for a change. you never do that with me and it sucks, but you dont seem to care. is that how unrequited love feels like?

although you insist on the fact that you do love me, it sure as hell doesn't feel like it. and sometimes i ask myself, why you even bother to put up with me if you dont really love me. is it so you won't be lonely? or just because you're bored? or do you just do it because it's comfortable to be with someone you know so well?

but sometimes i ask myself the same question. why do i put myself up with someone i love but who doesn't love me in return. am i maybe the one who's scared of being lonely? or is it the hope of you maybe someday realizing that you love me, too that keeps me at your side. either way its not a healthy relationship between us. but im too weak and too scared to let you go. so instead i keep letting you use me and destroy myself at the same time.

god, why don't you let me go?


Muted Screams III 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now