hate war

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isn't it scary
to be ready to die
at such a young age?
to risk everything
because it feels like
you have nothing to lose?
isn't it terrifying
to put yourself
in front of the bullets?
to die
for a meaningless cause
because it feels like
you have no other choice
than to believe
that everything happens
for a reason.

but there is no good reason
for violence
and there is no decision to make
for murder.
a corrupted heart
can never be sinless again.
a pure soul
is lost so young.
how many lives should be taken
until it is enough?
how many shall trace their future
for a war they don't participate in?

hate spreads fast
like venom in your veins;
faster than any antidote
ever could.

and after countless losses-
peace shall rise;
but the previous actions
should never be forgotten.
for it is the responsibility
of every living person
to educate for a better
and more tolerable

Muted Screams III 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ