sweet child

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❝Tell me sweet child,
What good has the world
ever given to you?
The way you smile at strangers
let's them believe
you have a happy life.
While in reality
you cry yourself to sleep every night
and hope for a better day.

Tell me sweet child,
What good have the people
in your life ever done to you?
The way you praise them
let's them believe they're doing
everything right.
But in reality
all they do is talk about you
behind your back and check on you
every few weeks.

Tell me sweet child,
What good have you ever done
to yourself?
The way you joke about everything
and you present yourself to others
let's them believe you're confident
and got your life under control.
When in reality
you avoid to look inside of a mirror
and don't know what to do
with your life,
that feels like is scattered
into thousand different pieces
which don't fit together.

Tell me,
When will you see
that being every piece of you
is better than being a small piece
of others?❞

Muted Screams III 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now