[22] Akk's secret

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Ayan didn't know how long he had slept, but when he woke up, he was alone in his bed again. Fearing that Akk had abandoned him again, Ayan quickly got up, put on his hoodie and looked for Akk, having a weird feeling.

As he searched for Akk, he noticed that his normally messy room was now spotlessly tidy. Even the cans and bottles were all gone. Ayan was sure that Akk was the one who had cleaned his room and kept looking for him. He eventually found Akk on his balcony, leaning against the railing and mindlessly smoking.

"Akk you're still here? I thought you were already gone." Ayan exclaimed with relief as he opened the door. Startled by Ayan's sudden appearance, Akk tried to hide the cigarette he was holding between his fingers.

"Oh Aye, you're awake? Ah...sorry. I know I shouldn't smoke in someone else's house. I'm just-" Akk tried to explain but Ayan shook his head.

"No it's ok. Honestly, I could use one right now. I'm really tense. Can I have one of yours?" Unlike Akk, Ayan was a fairly heavy smoker, especially during his withdrawal. Akk nodded and handed him one of his cigarettes and his lighter. While Ayan lit his cigarette, Akk watched him carefully from a distance with a concerned look.

"I didn't know you smoke." Akk suddenly pointed out after a short silence.

"Well, I should be the one surprised. You're smoking, Mr. school prefect?" Ayan countered back, taking a drag from his cigarette. The familiar calming feeling filled him immediately and he felt himself becoming more relaxed.

"Point to you. But so you know I only do it when I'm really stressed out." Akk could see the guilt on Ayan's face and immediately regretted saying that.

"I see. My past is quite awful." Ayan admitted in a regretful voice, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "But I hope you don't see me differently."

"No of course not. I will never do that." Akk reminded himself to be a little more careful around Ayan and not to hurt him again, even by accident.

Then there was a lingering silence as both of them didn't know what to say. Ayan stared mindlessly into the air as he smoked, and Akk watched him intently until his eyes landed on the hoodie Ayan was wearing. He'd never noticed it, but now something about that hoodie looked familiar. Especially the design on the back. Akk was sure he had seen it somewhere before, but couldn't remember where.

Ayan, who had already finished smoking, felt that someone was staring at him and turned to Akk.

"If you wanna stare at me so badly, please tell me first so you don't catch my bad side." Ayan exposed Akk without looking at him but he knew that Akk was really embarrassed about being caught staring for the second time.

"Shameless..." Akk just mumbled loud enough for Ayan to hear. Ayan chuckled.

"I wasn't staring. You probably imagined that." Akk tried to defend himself but his red face gave it away.

"Yes, you were. Even a blind person could see that." Unlike last time Ayan didn't give in and continued teasing Akk.

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you were."

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you clearly were."

"No, I wasn't."

"You're even blushing. Are you that embarrassed?"

"No I'm not! Oh my god stop!"

Akk was slowly getting tired of Ayan's teasing and sighed deeply. "Ok, I give up. You win."

"So you're admitting staring at me?" Ayan ensured, with a victorious look on his face. Akk rolled his eyes and smiled in defeat.

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